Raj Dronamraju Poems

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To warn the naive airman or seaman of the dangerously seductive spy
Of disease and speaking out of turn on classified matters
To protect the naive soldier from the deceitful, corrupting app

Collapsed companionship, the intensity dissipates
Dilution of resources and what the heart emits
Lessening of focus, out of focus - what is the opposite of adjust?

The Woolite Lectures

Rubbing both sides of the collar of a dress shirt under cold tap water
Stopping only to apply liquid detergent between the folds of the collar and continuing to rub the sides together
Your collar has a yellowish tint and so do you
I wish there was something that could be rubbed into the folds of you

Home Business

The lady who has a home business consisting of doing nails, massage, some hairdressing said
"I dreamed of my dead husband"
She has a son who wears pajamas all day and she still feeds him by hand

The Sand In The Galaxy's Glue

Do you belong here
Or do you belong with those scanning the night sky
He can't enjoy the pinpoint perfection of the stars in the night sky
Something doesn't sit right, he's caught a case of undefined irritation

She Never Made It To The Tiger Bar

She felt oppressed by my photos in social media
The blank face above another blank person
But still it was her idea to meet at the Tiger Bar

Crisis Pantomime

Angel Tutankhamun
Bad business
Instagram stories show sudden interest in cooking and platitude shared memes


She came alive in Wagstaff's living room
She threw aside her pocket book and put down her drink with enough force it splashed on the table
Then she spoke her peace and her words were tied to a rock that dragged down our grasp of what she was saying until we were forced to let go

The daintiest boy fetched the hot coal
Took a hot coal in each hand
Brought them with no particular speed or discomfort
And cast their dying heat on the bedroom floor

What John Keats Struggled To Let Out, I Struggle To Keep In

To the short life of John Keats, we don't apply semantics and we venerate perception
There's a deity who asks the right questions
And it is also the case that there is a deity who responds to the right questions

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