I am in the middle of my journey
With the heavy basket behind
full with have and haven't
Dreams are under colored Water
Beautiful stone
Artificial wave creates the orchestra of schematic life
Who cares for me now
Like the falling leaf
Like the drops of rain
A Night with you
Far from the light
Far from the metallic sound
Far from east
I am inside
The Horizon of your yellow umbrella
The fragrance of the night
I wear the colour of your wings
I wear the melody of your string
Stars are playing
One day I will fall down like the cloud
No one will be there to see me
No one will be there to hear me
A sky that is within the dream python
An ocean within the pot of your eyes
Million of words that are clinging on the door step of your lips
Spread their roots towards the hut
Moonlight melody when melts with the candle of lonely night
Dancing stars when grabs the midnight ocean
The breeze of vivid lone when kiss carelessly
On the sky of your gloomy zone
Where I am
Is this my destination
I can't mend my happening
You blink your eyes
Midnight dew covers the carpet of my lonely hut
I am in the dust.
Winds of reminiscence
Flows over me
The umbrella of evening embraces the transitional cart
I carry the unseen thread to my tenderfoots
Once a day unknown
Will fall down like the cloud
Suck like hummingbird
All the tears and rain
Crispy rush hour is strafing through me
How I console myself
The riddle of reminiscence dash the garden of my soul
The Man made night
And broken hutch
Scattered here in this town of civilize
A slice of sky
Hanging in her eyes
She strives to embrace all the dreams floating like kites
I am a lecturer of DIET, Sivasagar, I started my contribution to the field of Assamese literature since 1990.I was the Editor of periodical Assamese poem Magazine 'POJALI'.My first collection of poem 'MATI PHULOR GONDHA' (Assamese) , Published in 2005 by SARADA, jorhat. I born in jhanji Puranamati, Jorhat, Assam. My father is Mr.Bhola Nath Baruah and mother is Mrs Niru kalita Baruah, both of them were professionally teacher. I am a science graduate from J.B. College, Jorhat under Dibrugarh University and also obtained my B.Ed., M.Ed.and M.A.from the said university.I have also done my Diploma in ECCE from NCERT, New Delhi.I am also a visiting team expert of NCTE, Bhubaneswar.)
* I Miss You *
I miss you
Really I miss you
I miss your touch
I miss your hug
I miss your fragrance
I miss your morning glance
I miss your company
I miss your entire soundless symphony
Every night I miss your lap
I miss the melody of your mid night flute
I miss your soft touch
I miss the ray of your heart
Your blinking eyes
Your curving smiles
Everything swapped with the orchestra of artificial hub
The hill and the valley
The road that leads me to the ramp of heavenly mutely
Only nostalgia and agony
Oh my native village
I really miss your profound ecstasy
Your blues
Your greens
Your every mystery
Just wanderings in this desert of demise
Like the falling leaf with winter dews...
(c) raju baruah'2010