ramesh rai Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Man & The Beast

I have never read in any news paper
I have never viewed in any TV Channel
a female beast has been raped
or the female beast is dead

Cry For Peace

Every one is crying for peace
all are crying for peace
holding guns in their hands
seating on the heap of magazine

Tears Of Ocean

If the ocean weeps
where it will find tears

When the sky weeps
it drizzles, commove in sky

Dawn And Dusk Of My Life

Each dawn of my life
brings a new ray of sun
with a new hope of creativity
for sagacious activities of my life

The Banks Of A River

Every river has two banks
like pains and pleasures
joys and sorrows
love and peace

Divine Embracement

Thou art the nature
and me like a seedling
want to be engrossed
from where i am sprouted

Aches Of Life

Fish swims enthusiastically in water
The duck gazes meditatively at swimming fish
Both lust for long life

Unknown Destination

Marching towards an unknown destination
I don't know, what is the end?
And when my journey will stop
I have lost my origin from where

Are You A Poet!

My earphone was singing melodious song
my eyes were chasing beauty of words
in a poetry book of its emotional words
but my soul was searching for beauty


Poor dies for prestige
Rich dies for money
both dies for
what they have

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