Ramesh T A Poems

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A Rain Welcome!

The Beginning Of Romance!

Arbour in the park is the place romance starts
Inspired by the aesthetic pleasure of seeing many
Beautiful things in Nature we love most forever!

A Great Checkmate!

World wide pollution and lack of recycling of natural resources
Have alarmingly increased vagaries of climate all over the world!
One side, there is hottest climate boiling and burning everything;
Another side, heaviest rains are falling and flooding everywhere...!

Fulfilment Of Life By Yoga!

Yoga is wonderful physical breathing exercise in the world sure;
It is like a dance sans music especially like Bharatha Naiya;
It is being practised since ancient time in the world in India;
Now world knows about its great value to life sans any doubt!

A Beautiful Cosmic Dance!

Like the dancing configuration of electrons in microscopic atoms
Spinning galaxies of Space are dancing in the macroscopic Universe!

Stars of multiple galaxies are the couples dancing different dances;

Unity, brotherhood, friendship and peace all noble persons
Love to prevail over one human world sine longtime sure...;
The list of Poets, novelists, litterateurs and intellectuals are
Long starting from Francis Bacon to H G Wells and so on...!

Yet Old Is Gold!

They said the pen is mightier than the sword, but both are out of use now;
Pen is used only for signing Cheque leaves and signing register papers;
Sword is replaced by guns, bombs, machine guns, missiles and drones;
After the advent of Computer internet facility uses of pens and books haves stopped!


Celebration of Olympic Sports still goes on for world peace and unity of nations;
Yes, it is still relevant to make some warring nations to shun wars and hug peace;
To show one's power, it is better to indulge in some games in the world level;
For that, Olympics reminds all to enter into games fresh to show all talents!

Beware Of Savage In The Guise Of Modernity!

Old is gold, when we see the great art works of Da Vinci and Michael Angelo;
15th century Renaissance period opened door for that and Classical arts are gold;
16th century opened door for Romantic literature to flourish in the world sure;
17th century opened door for Reformation for all in a different way in the world;

With Two Hands Only Clap Sound Is Produced!

By recycling natural resources, Nature can be preserved ever in the world;
By clearing weeds and dredging, canals and rivers can hold floods;
By interlinking of rivers wastefully water flowing into seas can be saved;
By controlling pollution, climate change and natural havoc can be curtailed!

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