Ramesh T A Poems

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Life As Smooth River!

Life goes on as smooth river governed by love and beauty
Inspired by all animate and inanimate things of Nature;
Naturally, a person of soft heart having deep interest
In creating beautiful things is an unacknowledged artist!

A Great Satisfaction In Life!

Care by beauty is really welcoming anyone anywhere;
The swaying effect is so gentle that beauty loves
All good and best among humans ever to have relation
That is good from the start to the end in human life!

A Fun Of Romantic Pleasure!

Fun of passionate enjoyment of romantic pleasure between
Two beautifully attractive souls is a great fortune for
Them to experience in the life of human world quite rare!

Let Us Go On...!

After heavy rains and floods, bright Sunshine comes as usual
As if nothing has happened to make all proceed with the chores;
It is like calm coming after a great storm causing all kinds of
Natural disasters in the world making all tryst with destiny!

Rituals To God!

Traditional rituals done

For loving philosophic God

Knowledge Is The Best Means To Deal All Matters!

Violence is never the best means to achieve social goals;
Intellectual understanding based on knowledge is ever the
Best means to fight on the basis of justice to achieve all!

Is Independence Really Possible To Achieve?

Celebrating national Independence day every year,
Each one wonders how independent one is nowadays!
Independence means freedom, liberty and rights to
Do what one wishes without interference from all.

Cherish Beauty For Good!

Beauty no one in the world dislikes in life;
The good ones appreciate beauty with wishes;
But bad ones create dangers for beauty ever!

Ups And Downs In The Course Of Life!

We apparently visualize course of human life in the world;
But the actual of life nobody knows how it will go and end;
The apparent and actual visualization if doesn't differ much,
Our predictions of life will come true in the course of life!

Our Works Live As Immortal!

Without any problem, human life cannot go on in the world;
A; so, if one problem is solved, another one may start next;
Not only that, if one illness is cured, another one can start;
These things happen beyond our analysis and intuition in life!

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