Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shame Of Texas

Texas! you should be all ashamed
And you and your Governor should all be blamed,
On what you perpetrated on Christmas Eve
When upon the meaning of Christ you did deceive.

Calling Themselves A Christian

"I am a Christian"! many will shout and say
But, they never go to worship and never to pray,
They never followed as Christ did teach
And another doctrine they will proudly did speak and preach.

My Christmas Mourning

I again woke up all alone
On this very frigid Christmas morning,
No one texted me or called me on the phone
And of course there was no forewarning.

Life's Path

He needed help and also a dollar
But, he didn't have to plead or had to holler,
Because that very same day I got paid
And for help from God that stranger had solemnly prayed.

Her Wants And Needs

If your boyfriend can't afford your needs
So, you stopped calling him lover or honey,
Unto your expensive desires he sadly concedes
Because, he doesn't make that much money,

She Was Looking

She had dated and dated
She then waited and waited,
For the right man for her to come along.
She had prayed and prayed

A Boxer I Am

I am a boxer, I'm afraid of no man
Against any enemy I will staunchly stand,
I need no weapon at my hips
Because, at my side I always have my two fists.

Why I'm Not Married

If I had a girlfriend in my life
She would try constantly to be my wife,
She would nag me until the days end
Wanting to be my spouse and not just a girlfriend.

Salt And Pepper

See that man or woman in a nice suit
It doesn't mean that they have a nice soul or a lot of loot,
To me that doesn't at all impress
Just how a person looks, or how they dress.

Remember Unto The Wealthy

The poor needs to be clothed and fed
The middle class wants not to be in the red,
And the Government wants to help the poor
Whereas the rich wants to have more.

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