Calling Themselves A Christian Poem by Randy McClave

Calling Themselves A Christian

"I am a Christian"! many will shout and say
But, they never go to worship and never to pray,
They never followed as Christ did teach
And another doctrine they will proudly did speak and preach.
They hated the needy and the poor
And they believe that the wealthy should make more,
They hated the immigrants from a different land
But, they forgot about the color of Jesus's hand.
If someone is different they want to hate and to judge
And unto those who are different they will hold a grudge,
They forget to turn the other cheek
Retribution and revenge is all that they do seek.
If someone is ever different than them
They will then automatically hate either her or him,
And when they see a beggar who does not rob
They then scream and kick while telling them to starve or to get a job.
Remember, before you hate that stranger over there
Do not neglect or forget that you might entertain an angel unaware,
God knows that a Christian follows the steps of his son
And from Jesus a Christian will never hide or run.
Do you think Jesus wants hate and terror taught in his name
Do you want to give God Almighty all that blame,
Remember Jesus had died for us one and all
No matter how poor or even how small.
A Christian is never deliberately violent towards others
Nor do they lie or cheat or steal or hold guilt on their sisters or brothers,
They aren't braggers or rude and they don't instigate a conflict
And they don't seek pity and they know that they aren't perfect.
They don't curse or swear or use drugs or smoke
They don't worship false idols and sin they do not try to invoke,
And they don't commit adultery and they do not insult
And they know that the body is their temple and they act like an adult.
A Christian isn't a braggart or a racist or seedy
And a true Christian isn't selfish or impatient or greedy,
There is more to being a Christian than saying that you are one
Then on that one day your chances will be all gone.

One day we will all meet God almighty on his judgment seat
Then on our knees we won't be able to lie or to retreat,
Calling themselves Christian many might try to plead and tell
But, unto those lies God will not listen as he sends them strait to hell.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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