Odelana Rapheal

Odelana Rapheal Poems

No gladness

I feel lost inside myself,

To my Ex.

I choose you when my heart beat like the bata drum at ayegbaju market,
Without thinking twice, doubting or pausing I arranged my heart like skelewu dance, dancing when I'm not fit,

What happened that day.

Hope you never forget our first meeting,
Beside apoka tree on the struggle land called future,

Our first contact was on WhatsApp "Hello, I'm Odelana Adejoke",
I blinked my eyes in war and peace, maybe the message was a slick,
I quickly travel in happiness and questions, how will the sunname looks alike,
Chai! Within seconds, my thought react allergic.

Men rise and fall like a winter wheat...
I've dine with struggle and my throat melt
Have been in hell with the company of parent
What a precious life that war preserve till eternity.

The Gbagi, in divine dance, move,
Nupe voices sing, rhythms prove,
Hausa relish their gooey fare,
While I, a wandering soul, do dare.

Upon the northern road, where solitude reigns,
I embarked, compelled by a resounding call,
More solitary than the West's barren plains,
Yet northward I ventured, heeding the call,

My ear, enchanted by your whispered tales,
Those men of lust are lost at your first sight,
But I, with deeper glance, see what prevails—
Deceit, and flaws that shatter love's delight.

I know that the sun rises in the east
And sets in the west, a daily feast.
The seasonal changes begin in the north
And finish in the south, a cycle of rebirth.

Why is the world a flux?
Continuous movement and change perplex.
What is the world made of? Ionians say,
Not a myth in chapters and verses to sway.

The mountain behind the stadium,

Claims the sky with its height grand,
As if it owns the heavens, ain't that so bland?

Like a sculptor's chisel on the wood's edge,
Death whispers away both the bitter and sweet pledge.
Time denied you treasures, gold's karrat's gleam,
And your beingness crumbles like a silent stream.

At night, it's dark, my thoughts are full of pain,
Alone, I sit and ponder my despair.
Rejected, hearing "No, " and "Try again, "
I cannot chase the dreams I long to bear.

Besides my house lies a cemetery,
Not a day passes without a grave being dug.
The wailing of the bereaved sounds so eerie,
Telling a tale of vanity, life's final shrug.

The Best Poem Of Odelana Rapheal

No Gladness

No gladness

I feel lost inside myself,
I'm Starting to realise that nothing has this world than lost...
A lot has happened lately,
And I can still smell worst of it towards the end...

No joy has he that know life is meaningless,
Not that Forest but taut success...
Let no saying be said I'm free..
For every time in life, main is chain...

Only celebrate it little and count your minutes in sorrow...
Just acquire small remember the journey is propertyless..
But smile everyday and let tears accompany your joy..

Difficulties and obstacles are the real agent of deity...
They change man from raw to rough in need...
Then, they sit on the success and request for your supplication.

My joy and gladness shall be that of tree,
Planted bedside the river for it to glow,
And when life makes use of it in different ways....
It dies and risen when it smells water....

If life flood me toward the east worst,
And ship me across the desert north wary,
My south shall flag doom and shines salvation....

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