Renee Lewis

Renee Lewis Poems

I wish I had your wit
I wish I had your humor
I wish I had your memory
And your ablility to let the words

I tried to think
Of a cute little ditty
That was upbeat
In Stanza

I stand
I watch
I see your mind wander

I train my eyes
Looking above once again
A repetitive motion
Of a worry

The number or words
That stumble
And tumble
Around in my head

If I tried to explain my love
All the words from my mouth
Would flow cliches
And collected moans would

If I could sing
My song to you
would be so sweet
I'd crawl deep inside

You walked in on darkness
I never saw you
But I always feel you near
And the room washes a glow

Lost in the sight of a memory
Forever in the mind
All the significant signs
And they remind you

It's a curious domain
Not easliy explained
Searching and wondering
Roaming and blundering


I bet you idiolized
The sound of the soft song
I bet you compromised yourself
In the long run


Fly! Across a stage
That's bare
Reveal your soul
It's rare

Stage bare
No sound
Shadows of dust
Standing over my head

I see that look
And I know I should be
The one more in your life
To turn and leave


You touch my silence
A shadow that flutters
From behind you
A quiet energy

Renee Lewis Biography

words, poetry, dance, photography, music...ingredients of me)

The Best Poem Of Renee Lewis

I Wish

I wish I had your wit
I wish I had your humor
I wish I had your memory
And your ablility to let the words
Flow from a mind that holds so much
Maybe that's why I cling to putting
All these thoughts inside me
Down on paper
Because without it
I'd be forever silent and thinking

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