Richard Fuerst

Richard Fuerst Poems

Buried beneath the silt
Under a hundred centuries of mud
Long before one, two, three
And as lovely as a tree

Wake up little pinecone
The rain has fallen and the air is fresh
And someday you will be a tree
The tallest tree in the land

Desire is a sweet perfume
On hands and lips that touch
Its musular back and smooth long legs
Bring to droughts the rain

'How dare you, that's ridiculous
Roared the gaint to the curious child

The child who studied dancing armadillos

Cold arctic air descends nevously on frozen lakes today
Wild flowers fall to their knees to pray
Snowflakes beg, grass shivers, and rivers thirst
Eagles watch apprehensively from miles above

Little bird
Why worry
The sky is not falling
And why make-up things which are not true

Take the plunge

Take a breath
Take a deep breath

Dancing with Light

We try to control things as best we can
But sometimes life gets in the way

Richard Fuerst Biography

My mom said I could swim before I could walk. I think she was right. I love to be outside playing or working - it doesn't matter - as long as I'm outside. Spent 23 years in the navy as a deep sea diver and engineering officer. I would do it again. I teach middle school now - great second career! I just recently started posting my poems to a website I created - I use pictures as backgrounds - works well I think:

The Best Poem Of Richard Fuerst


Buried beneath the silt
Under a hundred centuries of mud
Long before one, two, three
And as lovely as a tree
A starfish wonders
Will it ever be found

Sing little starfish
Look at the sunlight
In the ocean above
Sing little starfish

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