Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Obituary To M.Subbalakshmi, Singer

By nature or culture,
Man has grown polygamous
And woman, mono-yandrous.

Death Is Better Than Retirement.

His exit is due today.
The send off is befitting.
The eulogy is lip deep,
Not with a heart to weep.

Express Sex

Suppressed sex is a volcano; '
Expressed sex is a waterfall.
Sex moves easily towards love.
If it is blocked, it will be chocked.

Virus Most Primitive

Life has begun with the virus,
With other organisms evolving.
It must end with the virus too,
It being the most primitive to thrive.

Limiting Factors.

I can win a running race
And get a golden medal.
Can I win my girl’s patience
Till the time I achieve it?

Be Bold; I’m Here

Come, grant me yourself and forget.
Let it be a one time affair.
How long will your lips be cold?
They must be crushed for its warmth.

As Good As A Virgin

Maybe she had some one in her heart
Or close to her bosom or with her on the bed.
She has chosen you to marry at last,
And it is you whose seed she is to carry.

The Fortunate Are Not Lucky

Every horror that you went through
Will be the armour of experience,
Which will lend you enough confidence
With which you face the future at ease.

A Mother's Chuckle

Her son has beaten his peer.
She condemned it in public
And beamed with pride inside
to have borne such a brave son.

Are You Growing?

If you ask questions that have answers
It means you are growing.
If you ask questions that have no answers,
It means you have grown up.

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