Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Giving And Receiving

Is giving good or receiving?
Is giver noble or receiver?

In giving, ego gets a boost

Altruism For Medical Students

Medicine is the most competitive
And lucrative field of education.
The academic brilliance test
Is the scale for selection of students.

More Harmful

Science without humanity
And knowledge without compassion
Do more harm than good to mankind.
Business without ethics

The First And The Last

Let the head and the feet be clean.
Let the beginning and the end be good.
Let the meeting and parting be nice.
In between what is there is discounted.


Conservatism is the process
That admits not anything first.
Religions are kept alive
Solely on conservatism.

Indian Woman’s Blush

She craves being with him
And when she is with him
She feels a kind of tension
To get rid of the situation

The Lust Defined

Lust means luxuria, lechery, lasciviousness and sensuality.
Lust means intensive desire for sexual pleasure,
A taboo of the sixth commandments.
Lust is nothing but power, most aphrodisiacal.

To Express

A submissive wife is a strict mother.
A henpecked husband is a terror.
A pampered son is a gut less lot.
A shy daughter is a straying lot.

Yours Is The Basic

The kite flies.
Its lightness is its merit.
The tree breaks.
Its stubbornness is its merit.

An Ass Too Enjoys

Being stupid, I’m not jealous.
Being coward, I’m not ambitious.
Being lazy, I’m not greedy.
Being impotent, I’m not dangerous.

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