Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Tongue Sleeps As Eyes Awake

Only she is, who was all along reticent
Among the women with me under the roof.
Only she is, whose exit to me is a grief.
Where eyes take, mouth fails. Currents in flow

Desires Never Die.

Desire is subject to change with age.
Lust, the root of the desire, has no age,
Is born and will die with one’s carnal age.
The root undying, no avail to prune the foliage.

Why Are You Dearer?

In vision my daughter resembles you.
Is it why that I take you near?

But a difference, I know you only as an adult.

Men At War

Critics of him wrote volumes more
Than what W. Shakespeare himself wrote.
So did in miles more, preachers of Geeta,
Than Sage Vyasa himself narrated.

Jealousy Snarled

He was mad of her.
There was a nod of her
In their furtive contact.


He never touched her limbs;
But she ever touched his heart.

She is not a paragon of beauty;

Lust Less Is Listless

Lust is born with the embryo
With-in the mother’s womb,
To grow with it as basic instincts.


The studs worn by her are more fortunate
Than their donor, with their sanctity
To touch her. What sensation can they feel?
The donor can feel but is barred to touch.

A Forbidden One Is Not Useless

He aroused her and she aroused him.
Hormones exuding at peak, they grew erotic.
Both got their partners at bed frequently,
And fantasized each other as stimulants.


Man’s instinct is to sow his seeds in as many fields
So that the seeds would grow to remind of him later.
Man substitutes, now, with ‘leaving his mementos’ likewise
So that they stay there to remind his women of him.

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