Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Means And Ends

She sold her beauty
And bought popularity,
And, with popularity,
She got prosperity,

Faith And Doubts

Faith be the accelerator
And doubts, the brake.
Apply them accordingly.
Faith be the right hand;

Undamaging Love

Lady, I love you;
You are terrible!
I can’t spell it out
So I say you’re nice


Indian women live in two worlds,
At a time or alternatively.
The world of erotica brought by the media.
The world of female virtue

The Lunatic And The Great.

I dream at night what the lunatic does in day.
I do in day what the great do at night
I am neither lunatic nor the great.
I am either lunatic or the great yet.


Patriotism is the seed of violence.
Don’t grow it. Instead, thrash it.
Patriotism has no place for future.
Shed away all inhibition about it.

Man Is Lonely.

I courted many and conquered none.
I feel lonely.
I loved a lot with no returns thereon
I feel lonely.

Successful Men

The best way to defend is offend.
The best way to hate is be close.
The best way to cheat is gain trust.
The best way to trap is help.

The Old Aren’t Second Child.

William Shakespeare has been wrong
When he coined the old age
As the second childhood.
The child is at peak to grab,

To Survive

Why do you aspire to become Miss India?
To serve the people.
Why do you perspire to become a Minister?
To serve the people.

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