Robert Edgar Burns Poems

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A New Year Arises

Have you ever stayed in bed for a day,
And never thought once to get dressed?
For this year past that’s all I have done,
Except for hospitals and doctors I guess!

Baby Bear's Tea Party

Grandma, I have a great idea!
Let’s have a tea party if you please.
I would like two spoons of sugar,
And maybe a spot of cream!

The Christmas Choir

I am practicing for the Christmas Choir,
To be held later today at the mall.
My mommy’s bathing me while I practice.
She thinks I’m getting very big and tall!

Goodbye To A Friend

A trusted friend is leaving soon,
It’s time to go away.
We’d spent much time for comfort’s sake,
T P simply cannot stay!

Happy Birthday Lucas

This whole past year has gone by quick,
Say goodbye to five and hello to six.
The inches penciled off upon our wall
Are proof enough you are getting tall.

Blaming The Snake

Adam said it was the fault of Eve.
Eve blamed that serpent snake.
The snake tried blaming everyone else
No leg to stand on, he was a fake.

Bells Are Ringing

I picked this card out just for you,
My sweetest love who is always true.
My Valentine's wishes now are ringing through,
It's our wedding bells, can you hear them too?

Girl With Blue Parasol

There was sidewalk well in front of her.
Lots of grass on a higher plane.
She could have kept her feet dry,
But stepped in a puddle just the same!


I’ve sold twenty million copies,
I am certain that I’ll find,
I’m the world’s best selling author,
But it’s only in my mind!

What Women Want?

She yelled for me to come inside
And spend more time with her.
For she was then my brand new bride,
And my football pals overheard.

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