Robert Edgar Burns Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Flash Kiss Fish Swish!

Have you ever seen a desert storm
And watched the lightning streak the sky?
Did it fill you with awe and wonder,
Of the power from up on high?

Hudson Hornet

There I was in my cowboy boots
Just a leaning up against that car,
A nineteen fifty one Hudson Hornet,
A former winning Indy car!

Hitler Or Stalin?

Who is the greatest murderer
In the history of this world?
Could it be Stalin or Hitler,
Or should another name be hurled?

May This Year Be!

May your New Year be happy
Even more than what’s passed.
With the true joy of living
Bringing happy tears in each laugh.

A New Year Arises

Have you ever stayed in bed for a day,
And never thought once to get dressed?
For this year past that’s all I have done,
Except for hospitals and doctors I guess!

Baby Bear's Tea Party

Grandma, I have a great idea!
Let’s have a tea party if you please.
I would like two spoons of sugar,
And maybe a spot of cream!

The Christmas Choir

I am practicing for the Christmas Choir,
To be held later today at the mall.
My mommy’s bathing me while I practice.
She thinks I’m getting very big and tall!

Goodbye To A Friend

A trusted friend is leaving soon,
It’s time to go away.
We’d spent much time for comfort’s sake,
T P simply cannot stay!


</>Life is not what it used to be.
So little happiness, too much disease.
Every day, working by the hour
If we stay late,

Heaven Sent

Did you know that God above,
Created you for me to love?
He raised you in a far away place.
And still he brought us face to face.

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