Robert Stewart

Robert Stewart Poems

It's been many years, but a day to remember,
when buildings came down on the 11th of September.
I bet everyone knows where they were that day,
when so many lives were taken away.

Our lives are full of beautiful things,
as we grow older and older.
I still remember that wonderful time,
and the day I got to hold her.

One bright day in the middle of the night,
two dead men got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
pulled out their swords and shot each other.

You've always been the love of my life.
I want to thank you for being my wife.
It's been many years since that blind date.
It wasn't blind luck, it had to be fate.

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

It doesn't seem to matter what age we seem to be.
Christmas makes us happy, would you not agree?
We do a lot of partying, and share the love and cheer,
with a family get together and those we hold so dear.

Christmas is a time that brings us together.
It's a time that seems to make life so much better.
But to some, this year has been quit tough.
Crisis in their life has mad their lives tuff.

T'was the night before my wedding,
I was nervous as hell.
Am I really getting married,
will it last or will it fail?


As we come into this world we have no way of knowing,
Just where we are headed and where we are going.

I don't know what happened as the years have gone by.
What was wrong back then, is now okay to try.
We justify the wrong as much as we can,
when we know in our hearts it ought to be banned.

So here we go, summer's all done.
Spent time with the kids and had so much fun.
School's now here, so it's move on ahead.
Which means early to rise and early to bed.

The Best Poem Of Robert Stewart

A Day To Remember

It's been many years, but a day to remember,
when buildings came down on the 11th of September.
I bet everyone knows where they were that day,
when so many lives were taken away.
I remember all wondering what was in store,
as the planes that were crashed, was now at four.
It's hard to imagine anyone so evil,
as to take the lives of so many people.
But now we have seen how things have changed,
from more evil people with minds deranged.
This world has changed, we're no longer safe,
not even in a church, where we practice our faith.
Life's so precious, we can lose it in a minute,
all because of some crazy idiot.
So enjoy each day and treat it as your last,
It actually could be, as we've learned from the past.
Enjoy your life and love a lot,
Life's too short for you to not.

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