Robert William Service Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Awake To Smile

When I blink sunshine in my eyes
And hail the amber morn,
Before the rosy dew-drop dries
With sparkle on the thorn;

Brother Jim

My brother Jim's a millionaire,
while I have scarce a penny;
His face is creased with lines of care,
While my mug hasn't any.


I had a bitter enemy,
His heart to hate he gave,
And when I died he swore that he
Would dance upon my grave;


O meadow lark, so wild and free,
It cannot be, it cannot be,
That men to merchandise your spell
Do close you in a wicker hell!

Work And Joy

Each day I live I thank the Lord
I do the work I love;
And in it find a rich reward,
All price and praise above.

I Shall Not Burn

I have done with love and lust,
I reck not for gold or fame;
I await familiar dust
These frail fingers to reclaim:

The Passing Of The Year

My glass is filled, my pipe is lit,
My den is all a cosy glow;
And snug before the fire I sit,
And wait to feel the old year go.

Barb-Wire Bill

At dawn of day the white land lay all gruesome-like and grim,
When Bill Mc'Gee he says to me: "We've got to do it, Jim.
We've got to make Fort Liard quick. I know the river's bad,
But, oh! the little woman's sick . . . why! don't you savvy, lad?"


If you're up against a bruiser and you're getting knocked about --


Afternoon Tea

As I was saying . . . (No, thank you; I never take cream with my tea;
Cows weren't allowed in the trenches -- got out of the habit, y'see.)
As I was saying, our Colonel leaped up like a youngster of ten:
"Come on, lads!" he shouts, "and we'll show 'em," and he sprang to the head of the men.

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