Ronni ManoaHofbauer

Ronni ManoaHofbauer Poems

Frosty whispers stir
From slumber, I arise
Melancholy's song

In the void where they once stood,
The world shifts, misunderstood.
No longer children, we must be
Guardians of our own destiny.

In you, my son, I found a love so pure,
A heartbeat strong, a bond forever sure.
The apple of my eye, my guiding light,
You fill my world with wonder and delight.

In life's grand tapestry, a thread so bright,
You shine, my friend, a beacon in the night.
A source of joy, of hope renewed each day,
How blessed am I to have you light my way.

Can passion's flame, burning bright and true, Vanquish the shadows that haunt our days? Might love's embrace, tender and new, Render our troubles a distant haze?

Or is this bliss but a fleeting dream, A mirage that shimmers, then fades away? Will time reveal a less golden gleam, As the first flush of romance starts to fray?

Pure as crystal springs that softly flow,
My mother's love, a constant, gentle glow.
A goddess graced with wisdom's precious light,
Her heart of gold outshines the stars at night.

When shadows creep and sorrows steep,
And life's harsh winds do blow,
Remember this, in dark's abyss:
You're not alone, although

I halted, transfixed by the sight
Of colours splashed across his face,
My gaze drawn upward to the night
Where aurora claimed its space.

Miniature cyclones emerge,
From the forest's leafy floor,
Autumn's discarded palette
Now a swirling, airborne decor.

As autumn whispers to the Southern land,
Two days before the equinox's sway,
Twin stars descended, by celestial hand,
To Mercy's house, on this Australian day.

As night's veil slowly lifts,
Consciousness creeps, vision shifts.
Awake, yet blurred, in twilight's haze,
Caught between sleep and day's first rays.

Crows cawed in the dark
Wooly socks and pajamas
Winter is coming

Time and matter, once in haste,
Now slow their dance, restored, retraced.
My eyes transfixed on beauty pure,
Earth renewed, a sight so sure.

Unbidden, autumn's chill fingers
Caress the naked hills,
As twilight paints the sky.
Lovers, wrapped in shared warmth,

Within my personal cosmos,
I unfold like a metaphor,
A living allegory in motion.

Fire, ignite my spirit's core,
Spark of creation, I implore.
Flames that forged my nascent soul,
Rekindle now and make me whole.

Golden thread of light
Weaves through verdant canopy,
Dancing in pure air.

Silently, I whisper his name
Into the void where echoes fade,
A dark chasm in my heart's frame,
Where once his presence softly played.

Carried by his ardent waves,
She questioned her heart's true state.
Was this love's authentic embrace,
Or a mirage of lesser weight?

Step into my world of mist and light,
Where dreamers weave their visions bright.
Kaleidoscope skies and silver streams,
A tapestry of our wildest dreams.

Ronni ManoaHofbauer Biography

I'm the luckiest woman alive. I'm married to an exceptionally adorable man. I have the most loving, talented and handsome son, and the proudest grandma of twin boys. 7 followers / 656 words)

The Best Poem Of Ronni ManoaHofbauer

Winter Sorrow

Frosty whispers stir
From slumber, I arise
Melancholy's song

Solitude engulfs
Chill seeps into bone
Light's absence aches

Shadows lengthen, creep
As winter's grip tightens
Fate's path unclear

Ronni ManoaHofbauer Comments

Ronni ManoaHofbauer Quotes

If you lead with a loving mind and an intelligent heart, you really can't go wrong.

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