Rory Hudson Poems

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(A senryu)

My child blows bubbles
and chases them while laughing

Invent A Poem With A Winking Eye

Invent a poem with a winking eye
That would enlarge its vision and be free
To let the whole damned world go passing by
Upon its way to hell, if need should be.

A Farewell In The Mallee

(Mallee is a kind of low scrub that grows in arid areas of Australia, where it stretches for miles and miles. Saltbush is a low greyish bush that is also found covering the plains in the arid zone. A currawong is a bird found in the mallee regions.)

The currawongs screeched in the mallee
as we said our goodbyes at the door,

An Old Man With The Last Laugh

All This Praying

Chasing The Moon

Sex And Death

Clad only in your girlywhites
you come to me, promising
nights of dark pleasure.

To An African Child Starving To Death

(References to the nightingale and the Grecian urn are to the two wonderful odes by Keats, and the athlete dying young recalls the lovely poem by Housman) .


Come In From The Cold

(A haiku)

Come in from the cold:
in here, a fire is glowing;

Friday Afternoon

Important men work late
upon a Friday afternoon,
but for me, I dance my life out
to a very different tune.

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