RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Cash In Misunderstandings?

Equal parts of life stand on edges of saddened recollections, regarding the emptiness life has brought to mind.
Tucking hearts into safe places where they cannot be hurt by others who don't understand who I am or why I exist in this place and time.
Standing there, wondering what to do, should I stay and continue living or cash in all misunderstandings for the pathway to heaven.

Painting Images And Visions

Tracing measures of coded rhythms into intellect,
watching as they step into my mind with an array
of effervescent rainbow colors, painting images
and visions in depths of my brain.

Living In Sadness

Silent, enticing, watching starlight twinkle high
above in the universe.

Stepping high and low, searching for a place to

Creating An Inner World

Reaching for stars of an inner universe, watching them smile
and twinkle above in another dimension, exciting, exhilarat-
ing and totally freeing this soul and being.

Giving The Best Care

Respecting people while they're in the hospital is vitally
essential to their well-being while under your care, being
paid for taking care of them you need to do your best.

Spirits Of Life

Watching the horizon, seeing spirits of life who have
passed on, taking their stand on the edge of another
life, appropriately and curiously taking strides to
communicate from the other side.

Lively Conversation

Finding words to meld into a song of love and meaning,
all of it turning into poetical interludes instead.

Dancing melodies touching, reverberating and bringing

Poetical Forms

White clouds forming clusters about the sky,
spreading ever wider, shutting out the blueness
of an early morning sky.

Quiet Vow Of Marriage

Forms and designs of music being strewn through a poetical
intellect, collecting pieces and fragments that have broken
off of life.

Having The Option

Winners and losers, we all are one or the other some-
times in our lives.

It doesn't matter really, because we always have the

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