RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Improving Outlooks

Circumstances of life chasten us throughout life in our
minds, depending on our situations, it tells our minds
things that belittle us and make us put ourselves down.

Universal Communication

Mysterious and magical, diversity shows us the cultures of
other countries.

Fascinating and wonderful, learning about them always brings

Open Receptive Intellect

Syncopation filling this entire being with a vibrant and
colorful music, intertwining with the essence of life.

Incessant rhythms taking off into distant lands where all

Politicians Exempting Themselves

Seeing sights throughout this lifetime, being remembered
always on photographic screens interiorly.

Watching politicians corrupting each other with taxpayer's

Tomorrow's Depths

An unconditional love surprising me daily, sending a thrill
right through me as we hold hands and walk along in the
moonlight so much love between us.

Silent Corner Of Life

Steep canyon walls, trapping thoughts within them,
echoing calls as they are being cried and yelled
into the voyage of a distant dimension.

Feelings Standing Alone

Racking brains with logic and reason, hitting a cue
ball with extrasensory feelings coming through veils
of another universe.

Whimpering Heart

Staccato beats of a lonely heart, whimpering in the darkness,
wanting to be held once more.

So tender and yet so powerful as my mind tries to accumulate

Unknown By God

Earth shattering around me, filled with hatred of terrorists
who don't know what it means to make love.

Being filled with spite, fear and a double-edged sword that

Severing Ties

Feeling broken, sorrowful periods of grief intruding upon
me, severing ties that bind me to this existence.

Whiling away hours, wasting them with a passive anger that

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