Sahra Hussein

Sahra Hussein Poems

Having a dark life with an empty room,
Hopeless chases you were ever you are.
And kills you with a pain, full of worrisome and sadness
thinking too much to your self inside the darkness.

Let me tell you something you’ve never known
Because I want you to know now
I never felt the way I am feeling now
And free my soul from past mistakes

Being in love

I can't explain how it feels being in love.
I can't express in words!

Are you listening?
I know you can't believe
But try to understand
What I am trying to tell you

You came from nowhere, and gave me your words
Once again you appeared my way, and saved my day
Once more you wiped my tears and made me laugh
Without permission, you became my memories

AS Muslim women you can't tell me,
I don't have right, and I am not free
Because the act of these Muslim societies
Who turn off the faith and return of anxiety?

I may not have a strong background
Nor am I a well-educated girl
Life may not be easy for me
Nor am I well in mood

Hey world listen to me
I got the encourage
I got the power
I got the inspiration


What can I say about it?
Day by day situations are getting harder and harder
What can I say about this hard situation?
People are encouraging each other to fight rather to solve it

Childhood is part of my daily life.
I wish I could go back to my childhood.
I wish I could change my past event.
I wish I could restart my life again.

I think hard until I feel the beating of my heart,
Breaking the bones that holds me together,
And without them am gone,
Am gone just like when the sun goes down

The Palestinian school
It was my first day of school.
And every thing was cool
I was exciting

I can see tears in your face and fears in your eyes,
It is burning my heart
My eyes can’t stop crying
Please don’t let go off my hand

Being talkative during friend meetings
was my characteristic
Until I started to move myself apart from them
I think too much to myself in the dark

Mom, I can't redo what you have done for me.
The more I have flashbacks, the more I cry.
Yesterday I was a tiny person sleeping in your stomach.
You carried me in your stomach nine months.

Mother, you were holding me in your stomach nine months
You had a hard time the first time I saw the cosmos
You taught me how to be like you
You motivate me to be a clear lady

Oh you treated my life, trying to scare me,
Hitting your man, being over protective
That arrogant talk, later the sweet sleep
Oh, I am in love with a gangster


All thanks to Allah who gave me eyes to see, ear to hear and
Mind to recognize the right path
All thanks Allah who gave me life
All thanks Allah who knows every thing, private and public.

I may not have a strong background
Nor am I a well-educated girl
Life may not be easy for me
Nor am I well in mood

It is the end of the class
Beginning of my new project
Tomorrow I have a test
Did I study enough?

The Best Poem Of Sahra Hussein

Slay You Demon..

Having a dark life with an empty room,
Hopeless chases you were ever you are.
And kills you with a pain, full of worrisome and sadness
thinking too much to your self inside the darkness.
And every one can read your disappointed from your face
Until you found a light far way from the darkness
Which encourages your heart
And noticed from your face.
Your heart beats fast
When you take one step close to the light
Then and all you say is
Hey you cant hold me down any more
I got the top of mountain
I got hammer to beak the wall
I let my self to believe my dreams
Rather then your fears.
I will not put my heard down any more
You can't stop me!
If shout or punish me.
Your shouting I got from a lot of angry
Which made my heart stronger.
As well from your punishment I got creativity
which made me diligent.
Your words of careless
Made me laugh
you can't get me any more
Your plan for breaking me up
Showed me my weakness
Which makes me to work on it.
When I see your heartrending
It shows me that I can beat you.
When you get angry,
that shows me that I won

Sahra Hussein Comments

mumtaz abdirashid 16 May 2018

wondurful dear goforwd bea

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Md Anisur Rahman 05 May 2016

I like your all poems.Your poems includes Renaissance.Very interesting.

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Fabrizio Frosini 23 November 2015

you are a very good poetess, Sahra. I've enjoyed all the poems you've posted. And I want to thank you also for your positive answer to my invitation: we are already 37 poets at the moment - and I'm sure others will join us soon Our Anthology ''POETRY AGAINST TERROR'' will be an ebook before Christmas, with you as one of the Authors.

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