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3. Muraqaba of riza in the khak latifa: -

Riza= be satisfied or pleased with whatever happens to you....
Khaq Latia= subtle mouth of the body mainly flesh, bones. hair etc. made from part of the Earth....


4. Muraqaba of Sobr in the Baad Latifa: -

Baad the airy substance of the body constituents!
Sobr means to be enduring for Patient!


5. Muraqaba of Tauajur in khala Latifa: -

There is Vacuum or empty spaces in the whole body that you feel when you press, it sinks!
Tauwazu means politeness, courtesy, sincerity & gentility of behavior!

**spiritual Knowledge(Sultaanul Adhkar Sogra/Meditation) **

6. Muraqaba of Sultaanul Adhker Sogra: -

This zikr is targetteed to 11 latifas & the whole body...
um turned and attended to my 11 Latifa & whole Jesm(body): via my morshed kibla's 11 Latifa & the whole Jesm; it is turned and attended to Allah Subhaan waa ta'ala ..

**spiritual Knowledge(Muraqaba Of Sutaanul Adhkar Qubra) **

7. Muraqaba of Sultaanul Adhker Qubra: -

This zikr is targetteed to 11 latifas & the whole body...
um turned and attended to my 11 Latifa & whole Jesm(body): via my morshed kibla's 11 Latifa & the whole Jesm; it is turned and attended to Allah Subhaan waa ta'ala ..

***if Really I Have To Stand Before Him***

Educational and social progress is on march
Progress of knowing Human Soul is becoming loose to looser
Formerly man paid heed on ethics and moral subjects...
Now only commercial thinking

**spiritual Practice In The Rooh**

2. Muraqaba of Inabat in the Rooh Latifah: -
ROOH Latifah - its position is two fingers below our right nipple, gives the Faayiz of Inaabat! Inaabat means turn back to Allah from all sides with khuloosiat to get Status of Tariqat! This fayeez comes from both Nooh Alaihi wah sallam and Ibrahim Alaihi wah sallam! Niyaat as__ I am turned to my rooh, with the waasila of my Hujur's rooh it is Turned to Allah swt, let Allah allah zikr-, noor-muhabbat come to my rooh; my rooh gets Fayeez of inaabat Yaa Allah! press your will power! Mouse catching attention! feel u see the rooh - a reddish Flesh piece of Noor! Hit with the sound Allah as if u hit a rusty Tin & sweep away the rust like sins & filths from the rooh by the Sound Hoo....So the hit Allah & sweep by the sound hoo when you breath out! angain strong will power! ! Filth of rooh is getting out by hoo sound..i see not...u see nothing even ur forehead so acquire the fitness to see...many men see..... & weep only why have i done so much sins...visible also the angels who surround u but alas i don't have such sight power...all attractions except Allah let be uprooted from my rooh..let all obstacles be driven away to get Allah...its haal haqiqat n kaifiyaat of Irahim As...what he did? he was resolute still when he was dropped in the fire! that resolution...what happened to Nooh As? His own Son Kinaan was drowning but he didn't care! the son was drowning infront of Him but he Turned back his head as it was Allah's order & Allah is my all...
Let the mouth of my rooh be opened & it begins to say Allah! !

**spiritual Practice In The Siir**

**spiritual Practice In The Khafi **

4. Muraqaba of waar-Yaa in the khafi Latifa: -

Khafi is the place of forehead which touches the ground when we give sizdaah. Color of khafi is dazzling black. waar-yaa means avoidance to such a degree that no haraam, no maqrooh, no mubah even no suspicious haalal things to be enjoyed too. “Inna Akraamaakoom iyn-dallahi atqaakum” “to Allah subhaanu waa taáala, he is the most respected who is the most avoiding(muttaqi) ” when khafi recites the zikr of Allah we can get only then such a quality of taaqwaa! Allah loves such bandah as Allah loved Beelal Rta! When Beelal Rta was deprived of the adhaan for once, that day Allah stopped Time to be the Waqt of Fajr Swalat! Zibril Amin came and told Allah’s anger for not Allowing Beelal Rta to recite the adhaan! when Beelal Rta recited adhaan, then the proper time of fajr revealed! so Allah doesn’t like your language, pronunciation or pomp n show but Allah sees your qalb’s Muttqi! After all if we don’t eat less, sleep less, do less sexual intercourse & meet up with less people -we can’t be muttaqi like Beelal rta & get the Faayiz of Waar-yaa—a muttaqi of different type! so we need zikr to our khafi latifa! So I am turned to my khafi, with the waasila of my Hujur's khafi it turned to Allah swt, let Allah allah zikr-, noor-muhabbat come to mykhafi; my khafi gets Fayeez of waar-yaa Yaa Allah! Hit the khafi with the sound Allah & sweep the khafi by hoo & with hoo all filths of khafi will be pushed or sweep away! so make Allah hoo Allah...100 times zoli then 100 times khahi (soundless!) Imagie fayiz of waar-yaa is filling my khafi!

**spiritual Practice In The Akhfaa **

5. Muraqaba of Shookr in the Akhfaa Latifa: -

Niyaat as__ I am turned to my akhfaa, with the waasila of my Hujur's akhfaa it is turned to Allah swt, let Allah allah zikr-, noor-muhabbat come to my akhfaa; My akhfaa gets Fayeez of shookr Yaa Allah! press your will power! Mouse catching attention! feel u see the akhfaa! Hit with the sound of Allah as if u hit a rusty Tin & sweep away the rust like sins & filths from the akhfaa by the Sound Hoo....So the hit Allah & sweep by hoo! it is not so easy to be a Shaakir bandaah of Allah. Very few people are used to perform shookr! Though we are eating, sleeping, walking, breathing- all are the graces of Allah swt! Our middle head is the place of akhfaa which, in our infancy trembled- a flesh of noor and of the color of Green; Its fayiz comes from Hajrat Naabi Karim sal lahu alaihi wah salam's holy foot! When this latifa recites zikr of Allah; We become a real shaakir bandaah! Apply the will power and meditate with Allah hoo Allah Sound... apply Allah sound and sweep the rust of filth by the hoo sound...Allah hooh Allah... run the zikr zoli 100 times then khafi more 100 times and ask Allah's grace so that this faayiz fills your akhfaa latifa... let the curtain of disobedience to Allah sweeps from my akhfaa...let the subtle mouth of akhfaa be started with Allah sound! ..the power of shookr for all the graces of Allah be made in my mind ...i need to be Allah's shakir bandaah:

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