Saleh Badrah

Saleh Badrah Poems

Each wrinkle in his ancient face
Bespeaks a monumental deed.
Serenely there with pride he sits,
No longer longing to succeed:

It's fruitless in this bleakness to seek zest
Or cheerfulness to brighten up your gloom:
For what bird here will ever build its nest?
What fragrant rose in here will ever bloom?

My soul stood up today and said:
Your heart is full of sorrow.

I know, I said,

Nan-in, the sage, one day received
A guest who'd come in search of wisdom.

For things of beauty
constantly am I searching,

You're mine and I'm yours,
Said my Dad on his deathbed,
Looking at my Mom.

If you wish to reach
The realm of eternal bliss,
Purify your heart.

Two slimy rats
Crept into my room
And started nibbling
Sniffingly at my stuff.


Little bulbul at my window,
To what purpose are you singing?
Can't you hear the noise and clamour?
Can't you sense the disaccord?

The mind is like a running brook
With mud and precious gems replete:

To spot the gems, stir not the mud;

Should you, my soul, who sailed to distant shores
And traced the founts of sweet serenity,
Be vexed and irked by those insidious frauds
Whose souls are fraught with spite and enmity?

(A Haiku)

The Lilliputians
are being themselves again,


Fast-running Time is running fast,
Transforming present into past.

Discard your schemes; no longer gleams

Who knows not the thief of time?
He's that fiend who slyly steals
And thrives upon suspended dreams,
Upon the things we could have done

They say that they have come to set us free
And that they're bringing us Democracy.
Democracy? That dainty entity
We read about in Greek philosophy,

Culture is the cultivation of the self,
The weeding out of inner rotten weeds,
The getting rid of inner 'stony rubbish',
The steady noiseless maturation of the intellect,


When envy grips a fellow's heart,
It makes him like a viper act.

It sprinkles venom in his brain,

I dream a gentle nightingale
Is sweetly singing on a tree
And that a crafty slimy fox
Is slyly watching from afar.

Upon a lonely hill, beneath a tree,
Within the boundless realm of reverie,

The Best Poem Of Saleh Badrah

Abdullah Abdul-Jabbar

Each wrinkle in his ancient face
Bespeaks a monumental deed.
Serenely there with pride he sits,
No longer longing to succeed:
For of success he's had his fill,
And of rewards he takes no heed.
He needs no praise or compliments;
He's loved by those who write and read;
Nor does he need that doc-ument
Which boorish boobies badly need.

With his unlit cigar he mocks
The paragons of self-conceit,
Whose only aim is to impress,
Whose only task is to compete,
Who think they know what they know not,
Who see themselves as the elite.

Tormented by the vast contrast,
I stand up and just leave my seat.

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