Sammy's Notes

Sammy's Notes Poems

The ship sails the blue ocean made of grace
Clouds of love rain, washing away the bad remains...
Of the yesterdays, which brought you to the lowest grounds
Today everything has changed

Now i have something to die for...
I have found something to hold onto
Inside i faded sometime ago...
I left myself to die in the hands of misery

Shadows just keep on falling
Just like the autumn leafs
Darkness takes the best of me
The way it takes hold of the daylight

Blossoming sorrow, laughing despair
Crying smile, the grim within the light
Reaper walked the earth with a loving heart
Searhing for someone to love

The tears on the ground have dried
As the sun shines through the darkness of my life
The cry for love has finally been heard...
My heart no longer taken in vain

There's so dark where i stand...
It's this emptiness so hard to understand
I tear up my wounds and show you my broken heart...
You take my hand and show me true love

All around in the air...
Straigh through the horizon and storm
It's all so clear...
Our world, that's falling into thousand pieces

Lost in life without your hand to hold
Broken inside without your love to reconstruct
I'm running from the darkness behind me...
To flee into the light your heart brings to me

I want to drown into your beautiful eyes...
It's my sentimental suicide
My lungs full of love, and my heart is bursting from lust
Your kiss is like gasoline on the fire of my soul

The overwhelming ache
The shadow i'm hiding at
Absorbing you, the one so full of life
Imagine how i would feel...

In your fear i run away from you...
But my dear, i will never do that to you
Just let me close to your dreams...
Let me hear how your heart beats

I found a way into your heart
It feels so warm, so full of love
Don't want to leave from your arms...
Just hold me through the night

In my dreamworld we used to dance among the blooming roses
While the smiling sun laughed with us
The life was how we wanted it to be
Perfect and filled with happiness

This path in the dark forrest remains one way
All the horror lives behind these very rocks right here
I'm too tired to be afraid, and i have lost so big mount of my will to live
I can only smile to the face of death and taste the end

I slow down to take a look at this world
Are we living a lie...
When we follow so blind
We trust our lives...

The happiness warms me at the dawn...
To wake in the sunrise, i must forget the stormy trail behind me
This heart, this soul i sacrifice for your...
For us, for me and you

Beaten to bruises by this merciless world...
Thrown to the wolfs, left for the crows
Every tear in vain, all the hatred to hide the pain
You give me so much even with one touch...

In your palm i lay to rest...
You soflty touch my soul to life
I take all the love you breathe into me...
I inhale happiness and exhale smiles

Everytime you touch me...
My icy heart melts from it's winter
Eachtime your lips collide with mine...
I can feel all the love you hold for me

Welcome to the path, that leads to our hearts
This burning flame enlightens my dark
With this vow of love you lift me up...
From the dusty trails of the past...

Sammy's Notes Biography

I found poetry in my life at darker times, and it felt good to write what's on your mind and heart, and to show it to other people, it's sort of liberating. Now days, i feel like i have found balance in life, i see the good things in my life, and i feel like i have fought my way through some hard times, and i can appriciate things better now. One thing, that reminds of all the good is my girlfriend, who has supported me, and helped me to let go of the past, and see to the future, that's waiting for us, i love her from the bottom of my heart <3 My latest project goes by the name 'Project Zero', if you are interested, please take a look. I'm writing a story, don't know if this is the site where it really belongs, but i post it anyway.)

The Best Poem Of Sammy's Notes

Clouds Of Love Rain

The ship sails the blue ocean made of grace
Clouds of love rain, washing away the bad remains...
Of the yesterdays, which brought you to the lowest grounds
Today everything has changed
I promised, i'd never leave you laying in a pool of grief
My love is your lifeline, just grab on and don't let go
My arms are your shelter, you'll be safe and secure
I taste your tears, i'll kill all your fears
You don't have to stand alone, i'll support you
You no longer cry alone, i'll help you.

Sammy's Notes Comments

Chie Boy 06 March 2014

RDC Checklist - Referrals 1.1 Replacing/Ordering/Approving the card when there is a valid indicators 1.2 Failed to reject the card when there is a valid indicators 2.1 Failed to order a new card when needed 2.2 Failed to reject the card when needed 2.3 Failed to approve the card when needed 2.4 Card Ordered for Wrong Person in case the account is joint 2.5 Upgrade/Downgrade the card instead of ordering New 2.6 Ordered New Card instead of Upgrade/Downgrade it 3.1 Failed to update the spreadsheet 3.2 Wrong updation of the spreadsheet 4.1 Failed to add notes for DOB process 4.2 Incorrect/Incomplete Customer Name in the letter 4.3 Incorrect/Incomplete Customer Address in the letter 4.4 Not using Letter Template given for each brand (LTSB, Halifax, BOS) 4.5 Forgot to change the Date of the letter RDC Checklist - Rejections 1.1 Replacing the active card when there is a valid indicator 2.1 Instead of replacing the card, new card was ordered 2.2 Failed to Replace the card when needed 3.1 Incorrect comments on Handle Task view 3.2 Incomplete comments on Handle Task view 3.3 Failed to mention Please ignore previous comment when correcting statements 4.1 Failed to check customer notes relating to Fraud 4.2 Failed to check Customer Notes for Disputes 5.1 Failed to update the spreadsheet 5.2 Wrong updation of the spreadsheet OBW OBW CMAS-Rejections (Steps) 1. Get task from the following OU boxes(12266,12273,35051,35070 and 35079) 2. Track each Task ID's then Go to All comments, check for the Rejection Warning 3. Rejection Warning: Plastic type inv (for toa) . (other than this rejection warning, do not take action, TMS handle task.) 4. For Plastic Inv (For TOA) : Check for INDICATORS(009,646,011,038) . If you found (009,646,011) indicator, take no action and update the TMS handdle task. note: if you found 038 indicator, check for customer notes for Fraud and Dispute 5. Check for the PAN and Customer's Full name 6. Check for the status, it should be in Active status 7. Replace the card and update the TMS handdle task. (i.e CA21 - Card Ordered - Task Complete) 8. To check if you order the card succesfully, Go back to cards screen and check the status of the card. Card should be in Approved status. OBW CMAS-Referrals (Steps) 1. Get the Sort code and Account number from the spreadsheet(daily or monhtly volume downloadble from share point) 2. Open Account Products in PBS. note: Halifax can access from BOS PBS vise versa, but LTSB can only be access from LTSB PBS only 3. Choose option 1 and option 2, enter Sort code and Account number 4. Check the Referral Reason(option 3) note: check for both account and customer indicators 5. Check for the following Indicators (020,011,048,646,015, or 657) 011 - deceased 015 - dormant account 020 - check address 048 - bankruptcy 646 - account transaction prohibited 657 - refer to AQCU 6. If you found any of those indicators(from step 5) proceed to option 4(Cards) and reject the card with the Refer status. note: Card that is in refer status should be match with the name given in the spreadsheet. If the card in the refer status did not match with the name given from the spreadsheet, take no action and update the spreadsheet. Same procedure if you did not found any card which in the refer status. If you did not found any of those in indicators proceed to step 7. 7. Check for the card with the refer status. Check the customer's name. If the customer's name did not match from the spreadsheet, take no action and update the spreadsheet. Same goes if you did not found any card which is in the refer status. If the card is in the refer status and the name of the customer matched from the spreadsheet, proceed to step 8. 8. Press Enter in the selected card, and click on Approve button to check for the referral warnings(For bulk6560,9311,9312,6361,6362 and 6802. For blocked 6357,6823 For conflicting cards 6810 and 6811 For DOB 6368 and For CBS account 9313. If any of these referral warning pop up, please follow process map for the specific referral warnings procedures and update the spreadsheet. If none of those referral warning pop up, proceed to next step. 9. After clicking on approve and none of the referral warning pop up, click on ok. Work down the card list until a card is accepted. 10. To check if the card was ordered successfully, go to Card(option 4) . Then check if the status of the card is in Approved. If it is in approved then the card was successfully added. 11. Check if Mother's Maiden name has been filled correctly in the box (if required) 12. Check if the individual spreadsheet has been correctly updated - The Referral code, action taken and the comments column.

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