Sandile mngadi. Poems

Hit Title Date Added
First Kiss

I still remember our first kiss
You were shy when i came close
I held you gentle
You grasped the moment with emotions


Just because I have Albinism
Does not mean I am different from you
Just because my skin is more lighter than yours
Does not mean I come from a different planet then you

Someone Had Too

Someone had to lose
It was either you or me
But one of us had to bow to the other
Hands down

I See Vision

I see vision of a new Africa
Where the Muslim and Christians hold hands and say we see Africa as one


Durban and surrounding areas
Please stop this Xenophobia attack
Stop killing our brothers just because they are of another Nation
Please stop taking your Government frustration on our African brothers

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

I had visions of having a home with you
I had a mission to make you my wife

Why Love Her

Don`t love her for her looks
When they are no more in your eyes what will you love?
Don`t love her for her body
When her body does not attract you no more what will you love?

Nami Ngiyamfuna

Nami ngiyamfuna ozongilolozela ngephimbo elimtoti
Ozongitshela amazwi amnandi azothuthumalisa igazi lami


I am sitting in this house left by my parents
I am an orphan in the eyes of the community but in me I am not
Losing my parents makes me fill like a new man
Being alone makes me learn to go out there and hustle

Please Dont Recede Power

I ask you never fade power
When your enemies reach you don’t give in

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