sania harris Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Death Clock

I started to pen
The clock ticked again
My heart beat again
Pain tangled my brain

The Garden Of Heaven

A river that ran as lucid as air
And the fish in it like gold and hoary
The flowers like a fiery orange flame
Nourished well by the water

Why Am I Crying?

Lying on my bed in despair
My face covered by my hair
I try to forget my woeful past
And to forget how it ended so fast

Lonely Soul!

In a dark corner
Sits a little girl
Looking like a mourner
Without her own life

A Mom's Affection

I remember that day like yesterday
That day I broke your favourite vase
The message, I was scared to convey
Scared to my bones for real

I Am Sorry! ! !

I am sorry for talking behind your back
Sorry for calling you a black

I am sorry for spreading rumors about you

He Breathed His Last

He was born crying
And people around him smiling
To lonely he was a friend
To every one he was godsend

My Baby Brother

On a special delayed morning
When I was still snoring
My mom was taken to the hospital
For she was a very pregnant lady

Bombay Assail

Two nights and two days
The terrorists attacked our beloved people
their hearts were shattered in all ways
While the blackcats destroyed the steeple

Exam Excuse

I have migraine, fever and cough
My body is throbbing with pain
I feel like I am tied with a chain

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