Shalini Samuel Poems

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A Fishy Day At Bay

Blue wave, white foam, washing the long shore
with its tender soothing hands, brushing away
my fading memories, polishing men's rock heart, at bay
-akin to the pebbles, the bubbly kids search to store

You Are Not Alone

The glass window opens every morning
She gazes across suns golden rays;
Trying to solve the mystical mystery,
She joins her hands for a humble prayer

Daughter's Tears

She cries, invisible tears flowing from her heart goes unanswered
She hates him, a man rubbing and flirting – using a child’s innocence
The man with a hell lot of girlfriends, an avarice beast in disguise
Why does this rogue come into her life, what was her sin?

Writers Block

I am just trying to write again.
I am trying to fill the blank pages of life
With love, happiness and hope

A Stranger's Funeral

I stand there emotionless
Someone is dead
Flowers adorn her smiling face
People come and go

The Secrets Of The Night

The stars will come to our home
The moment night blushes at the sight of Dawn
You and me - the pulse of the night
fall dead on the seabed for a temporary rest

Selfless Sacrifice

she finds a masterpiece
a beautiful molten heart
in his desperate eyes,
she sees no betrayal

Father Of Our Nation

Where are you hiding?

Oh, my dear father!

The Sculptor Within

Pain expands, aching as shadows loom,
Like a thorny cactus, starved, yet it blooms.
It pierces the walls of the tender heart,
Outgrowing the fragile self, tearing apart.


Can you stop the aging?
It slips through your fingers.
Gather it, but like ice cubes, they will escape
You can't cage the invisible air

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