Shame Provoked secrecy

Shame Provoked secrecy Poems

Hung in the beat between the butterflies wings
The angel of the shadows comes down and sings.

Tragically beautiful was her eerie song,

Squeeze the hope and life out of me like a sponge,
Contort my hope and any self worth I have left,
Make me feel small and brittle with your judgmental eyes
Snarl at me with your decomposing stuck on fake twisted little grin.

A stale, crinkled mask etches its thinly veiled smile onto her face,
A twisted gurn mirages itself onto her porcelain skin, cracking the ugly old stone grimace that lives underneath.

'How are you? ' asks the mask with a bubbly hop, skip and bloody jump

How must one compose what’s really in their head,
I hear screaming from a distant past of mourners around her bed.
Pushed back into the shadows,
cast aside like a dripping filthy cloth,

When the folds of the mattress come to get you at night
You know it’s time to live outside your head
When you constantly think that people judge what you do
You try not to care instead

I want to be a musician
I’ve got the music in my head,
I want to play the piano
And let the chords explain what I said

Silence engulfs her once screaming night
She sits biting at the withered skin that gathers around the edges of her nails
Shards of icy tingles haunt her spine while she reflects upon her past
Her legs shake when she gets nervous so she digs her teeth hard into her tongue to focus on something else.

Shame Provoked secrecy Biography

I live regrettably in many places, different parts of me are dotted around. Due to my own stupidity and cowardice I am to scared to take propper ownership of my poetry in fear of freinds and family finding out more than I'm willing to share.But in my open life i am generally happy, and when I'm not so happy, or letting my mind wonder and generally thinking too deeply words are a healthy way to express.)

The Best Poem Of Shame Provoked secrecy

Ode To A Friend - Free Association And Verbal Diarrhea

Its like a piece of coarse fabric is being wrapped around my mouth and smothering my face, like its being pushed through my head and tugged out at the other side, scratching away at the soft folds of my insides like a fine etching. It never stops scratching. Scraping away my ability to keep everything locked up safe in my sick, twisted mind and instead it sucks out every tiny piece of hurt memory and my overrated idea of everything I have seemingly suffered. And so if its out there, exposed in the open, there is only one way to keep it from unwillingly spilling out of that hole in my face and to prevent me from downing people with my verbal incontinence. It’s a way of making everything I feel inside real, so I can feel the pain physically, it’s a constant reminder that I am everything I loath in a self pitying poor excuse of something that shouldn’t even be given the opportunity to take on the human form. That first streak of warmth tickles and plays with me, daring me to see how much further I will go, how deep, how fast, how much more red life can I get to come oozing out of me. It’s sick, it’s wrong but I know I’m not alone. Special people are born and die everyday and I thought I had found mine I thought that I would never be able to find someone who I could be more emotionally connected with, but like many times throughout my meaningless, insignificant existence I was wrong. There is someone who I feel understands every breath I inhale and every beat my pulse drums against the skin of my neck, they are my reason for being alive at the moment and I love them with more than my heart. I hurt so much when I watch them tearing them selves apart as I know I am helpless and any advice or comments I make are of no use as are most things I say or do. So all I can offer is this piece of paper and a few words written from something deep inside of me and if you believe that it is my soul speaking then it is.
So while you’re reading this with a straight face and I really hope u do, believe that if it’s possible to ever find something more than a best friend, then I believe I have, in you.

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