Shaun Cronick Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Ninth Configuration: - Twinkle Twinkle Killer Kane

Twinkle Twinkle, Killer Kane,
Madness reigns in your domain.
A caring psychiatrist you proclaim,
To help one recover is your aim.

Nostradamus and today's psychic's how could they all not see it.
Coronavirus COVID-19.
The pandemic.
Today's many seers with all their magic powers of perception,

The Leaf..... Part 1

Do you believe in magic?
Real magic not trickery.
Things left forever unexplained,
Just life's simple mystery...

Silence Speaks Loudly

Dreaming Up Poems

It's one of those days,
I'm stuck in limbo land.
Can't think of anything,
To casually do offhand.

Friendship, Love And Truth

See with honest, caring eyes,
People's faults, nor pass them by.
Speak not harsh words or profound disdain,
Urge them from evil to refrain.

Excuses! Excuses! ...Those Workshy Fobs

They prepare their legends in advance,
With a fake cough, splutter and a sneeze.
Feigning so many ills and ailments,
Using ill-gotten time off as they please.

I Fight For My Lady's Colours, I Fight For My Lady's Honour.

I fight for my lady's colours,
In this savage cruel cauldron of woe.
I fight for my lady's honour,
In a macabre festival that is on show.

£3.2 Trillion And Rising: - China's Coronavirus Cost

£3.2 trillion and rising...
That's the coronavirus cost so far on the world's ruined economies.
Thanks to China.
And thanks to China for dragging its feet.

A Long Love Letter...

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