Sneha Celine

Sneha Celine Poems

It was Almost sunset,
It was after very long they met.
The guy hid something,
The girl wanted to know.

I was thinking what to gift you;
On this special day
I needed something wonderful.
Since it was your B’day.

It is raining today
I wish, by me you would stay
You would warm me down with your heat
I could lie on you, listening to your heart beat.

So long you were the only company I had,
You cheered me when I was sad.
You took part in my cheers,
With words wiped my tears.

I lived our memories again,
As i took a walk back in my memory lane.
When I Came back to the real world,
Realized the reason for those memories never remained.

This world is large and wide,
There is a lot room for us to hide.
I will take you somewhere far,
I will keep you more happier than what we are.

So long I have been waiting,
But I am tired now
I wanna make things change in my life,
But I really do not know how.

Simple yet so complicated
The world seemed to me;
Throat burnt with raw scotch
And breathe of nicotine indeed.

I promised I would change,
But I broke that promise too.
From deep down my heart I say,
I never meant to hurt you.

I smile at you happiness,
I feel proud at your success.
At your every tear I get hurt,
I hate those girls with you who flirt.

Most of us have at least one cousin,
Many of us, more than a dozen.
Something that everyone, in our family knows,
You and I, have always been close.

Distance kept us apart,
Although you are closer to my heart.
My heart, it aches move and more
Sometime feeling really sore

The world has lost all hopes,
Whey cant your prove them wrong.
They think we cant be together,
They think my love is not strong.

Hey there handsome,
Yea m talking to you.
Woah isn't it wonderful,
Today a year older you grew.

I sat at the corner of a coffee shop
A cup of hot coffee, a cozy-cold day,
Across the road, wearing a suit
Is an old man, sitting beside a grave.

My flinstone best friend is he,
My soul sister is she.
Both these characters didn't know the other,
Until the day I introduced eachother.

Though Distance may be far;
I am there wherever you are.
I am there just your beside,
From me your tears you cant hide.

Every day; Every Night,
When you are far or holding me tight.
When you talk,
And when we take a walk.

You think if you treat me like this I might forget you,
But why can't you understand that I just can't do.
The things that you do only increase the pain.
And my love will never go in vain.

The love I have for you are seen in my eyes,
In my heart is the place where you lie.
My heart desires the best for you,
My soul desires to be with you.

The Best Poem Of Sneha Celine

Unexpected Kiss

It was Almost sunset,
It was after very long they met.
The guy hid something,
The girl wanted to know.
But this thought that she was just a friend;
Changed her mind and let it go.
In a silent lane they walked,
About life and old memories they talked.
The enjoyed the nature, bushes and trees,
A wonderful moment that none could seize.
They were alone, none around,
Very rarely at distance, people were found.
They stopped near a thick bush,
She gave the guy a promised hug and a gentle push.
They walked few steps and halted again,
The guy came close the girl, she smiled.
He kissed her on her cheeks, Whispered in her ear,
'This is what I so long had to hide'
The girl was shocked, she still had a smile,
They stood silent, blushing for a while.
He came close and gave her a second kiss,
He waited for a return,
And this chance she would not want to miss,
She kissed upon his cheek.
Both smiled, Both felt special,
They were just best friends and not a couple.
He told her he wanted to give this to her a long time before,
That day was the best to give it a go.
He held on to her and kissed her on her lips,
It was unexpected, her heart skipped a beat,
She was held so close, She could feel his heat.
She desired for the same but hesitated to share,
They were just friends, the same feeling he may not bear.
She lived that moment enjoyed her first kiss,
Her lips never felt to depart, Just stuck onto his.
Yes, They were best friends,
But she silently loved him too.
She did not want to leave,
But they had to depart.
The cause for her first kiss,
Always remained in her heart.

Sneha Celine Comments

Akhtar Jawad 01 May 2014

Sneha says, She is not a poetess. I say she has all the elements in her poetry which a popular poet should have. Emotions, sentiments, innocent description and reaction in a sweet simple language. What else a reader wants?

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