Stella Andrews

Stella Andrews Poems

Down this dusty dry track,
There is a boy waiting for me.
He has a smile that every girl wants,
And owns all the land your eyes can see.

..xX+I want to be your princess and hero+Xx..
..xX+I want to be you diary you tell your deepest thoughts too+Xx..
..xX+I want to be the teddy bear you trust will never tell your secrets+Xx..
..xX+I want to be the radio you listen to+Xx..

I really like Myself. We seem to share the same interests in nearly everything. We dress the same, like the same music, movies, activities and so much more. We sit together at the table with a Milo and read the junk mail and newspaper or watch tv. She hates the wind when it's raining and even more despises cruelty being spread into our world like the black toxic smoke you see lurking out of old trucks. She's forever sweet and caring and holds me when I'm down. She listens to me even when I'm speaking nonsense and won't ever leave me until I'm smiling again.
She's smarter than I am. She has the ability to see things as they are, instead of seeing through rose coloured glasses like me. She somehow keeps her emotions and decision making sections of her brain very separate. I don't know how, but I admire it.

I lost her for a long time because I refused to listen to her at the edge of a storm. She told me this was only going to bring disaster but I was so restless back then and I was curious to see what it's like inside. She begged and begged me to stay, but I wouldn't listen. I turned my back on her and dived headfirst into the dark, consuming storm.

i try to understand,
whats going through my head.
i try to say it out loud,
but it doesn't come out.

have you gained weight?
she's waaay too skinny.
geez you eat sooo much!
um a apple doesnt count as a days meal.

why do i take this life for granted?
how can i when i know how closely
life and death joined.

dear god,
please help me to remember this throughout the day,

I must not fear the unknown

Don't touch me
Please don't touch me anymore.
I'm so confused,
You say i want this..

i am a ball of life
bursting out the seams
into the eyes of a
sad bored person

how do you feel now?
Do you feel proud?
Do you feel like a man?
With my face pushed to the ground.

i have a silver locket,
that sits next to my heart.
there's empty spaces in the forein land,
that my locket sits next to.

Smiles willl begin to fade,
And tears will start to flow.
When your the last one there,
and this lonely feeling begins to grow.

its an awkward feeling,
the feeling your being cheated on.

its awkward kissing him and thinking to yourself

do you ever feel like theres something wrong with you?
like it cant be natural for you to feel like this.
like maybe you have a mental condition,
or at least your heading that way.

im fighting for you
im crying for you
im giving up my whole life,
for you.

round and round the marligo bush
the monkey chases the weasle
the monkey stops to pull up his socks
and pop goes the weasle

my spirit has been squashed
pounded into the ground
i cannot feel its energy
i cannot hear its sound

</>When i stare into his eyes,
I don't sea a spring of sparkling water anymore.
I don't feel like a piece of fine silk floating in the air,
when he touches me.

</>Why do i love you still after everything you have done to me?
Because of you i have lost everything.

I lost my home,

Stella Andrews Biography

the number and mass of all the mistakes i have made in the past two years is crippling. i lost every.single.thing. that made me, me. i lost the one person who ever truely understood me and really loved me and made me soo happy. her name was tessa and i was just another of those cu.nts who take something for granted. i was stuck in my own little world and didnt care to look through someone elses eyes. well i got what i deserved. i fuc.ked up my entire life with nothing to show for it. but heres the funny part, im still half glad ithappened. u find out who u really are and what your made of when ur pushed to the breaking egde. and i found out im stronger than i thought, smarter and have so much i can give. i hold my head high bcoz i made my mistakes and still live with tje consinquences everyday. but i realised my mistakes and i mean from the bottom of my heart that i never intended to do that to you tessa. and if i had of had just someone slap me in the face and say look at how ur treating her! i would have popped my bubble myself for you. i know im just rambling and i know tessa will never see this.. but i just wish i could tell her i love her. always have. i cant take back what ive done but i want to fix things. i never told anyone this, but the only reason i left was coz ian was saying he was going to kill himself. and would be on the phone to me crying then say hes going to do it now and the only way i could make him feel better was if i said i would come up and live with him. if u ask the social worker at school she would tell u that befire i left i went to her asking how to talk to suicidal ppl. i never told tessa this bcoz it sounds like a stupid fake excuse and i dont want her to take me back from pity or fake or something. he is nothing but an emotional hurricane. everything he comes into contact with he sucks up, twirls around, then spits them out like their nothing. i know i broke your heart with no excuse. but i dont know how to say sorry to you. nothing i can do will ever be enough for what iv done)

The Best Poem Of Stella Andrews

A Story About A Boy

Down this dusty dry track,
There is a boy waiting for me.
He has a smile that every girl wants,
And owns all the land your eyes can see.

This boy is perfect, or so people think.
He is extremely good looking,
And rich.
he has to organise his days by booking.

This boy has everything,
Except for a heart.
He doesn't care for anyone,
And doesn't care if he breaks someone apart.

But then i came into this town.
And i was only new.
I was his next target.
If only he had one clue.

He came up to me in safeway one night,
And whispered in my ear,
That i was so sexy
'follow me, my dear'

I smiled when he complimented me,
shivered when he touched me,
But as soon as he wanted a kiss,
It was time for him to see.

I told him to back off
and that he was just a jerk.
I told him i hated guys like him,
But this didn't work.

He still tried to kiss me,
And touch me in places,
But i've met many guys like him before,
And i've learnt how to handle these cases.

I kicked him in a place no guy wants to be,
And he fell to the ground.
I told him he would never get me,
then walked off into the night without a sound.

His ego was crushed,
As the whole town saw this scene,
The boys laughed,
And the girls thought it was mean.

He tried many times after this,
To get me to like him.
But i'm not interested in wealth
Or what they win.

I was different to all other girls,
And this made him fall in love.
All of a sudden his money couldn't get him something,
And so he prayed to above.

He prayed that he could become a better person,
In hope that i would notice.
He prayed that he could see the error in his ways,
So that he could get just one kiss.

Soon he stopped using all the girls,
And helped his dad at work,
He became hard working,
And was always covered in dirt.

He now worked for what he got,
And soon he felt different.
He now felt a new happiness,
something that stuck.

The whole town saw him change,
And soon people started to follow his lead,
And the whole town transformed,
Into a community without greed.
this is a story about a boy

I was sitting at the bar one night,
And he came and sat down.
He gave me a note,
And finally took off his crown.

The note said to meet him at the end of this dirty track,
and that he had something he needed to say,
And so here i am,
Wondering if i should go, or stay.

he said to me,
thank you.
And that he is sorry.

This boy is now a man,
And hopefully live happily,
I have changed his whole life,
just me.

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