Steven Taylor

Steven Taylor Poems

The racist cloaks his loathing thoughts
behind deceiving eyes
Those men who once wore hoods and robes
Today wear shirts and ties


Music touches all of our lives
like a breeze in summer heat
soothing, calming, ever new..
we long for its repeat

We the black people,
The workin folk
Bus drivers, waiters, garbage men
The common peeps dat

I trust you father to provide
a path for me to walk, ...
and wisdom to ignore the fools, ...
let them laugh and let them talk

An artist will do anything to let their feelings flow
not love, nor hate, ...not pain, nor loss
could ever stop their show
the gift that God bestows will be a constant voice inside

Go anywhere you want to go
Do anything you want to do
Succeed or fail, win or lose
Just don't be afraid of you

get rich, get money, ...
any way you can, ...
invest, insure, diversify,
have a 'make mo' money' income plan

Richard was a vessel, an artist that was black,
In a sea of white suppression, that he carried on his deck, …
He made us laugh so hard that we were all reduced to tears,
His message helped us overcome our anger and our fears.

if you really love someone, ..
than make them feel so good, ..
share all your feelings, good or bad, ...
and never say you should

Relationships establish
through a shared resolve
to satisfy our common needs
hoping friendships will evolve


I hide within a culture where black people
kill their brother everyday
no other culture on this earth
slaughter humans in this way..

my first born child, my oldest girl
my heart, my soul, my life,
has offered a man her soft hand
to hold on as his wife

Whites insane effort to sustain
a state of slavery
today influences Black life
more than the eye can see


gemini, ...

two hearts, two souls, one mind, ..
a most peculiar sign, ..

i am, have been, and will remain,
a patriotic guy
my duty as a patriot
is to never cease from asking why

We come together, young and old
we travel distance just to be
surrounded by our people
cousins, uncles, aunts and grans

when a friendship dies, …..
somebody that was close to you,
somebody that you knew
always had your back from first grade thru high skoo…

most as gentle as a lamb,
as smooth as polished rocks…
a moment passes, .. blam! !

ain't it funny how the price of gas
does our attention pull, ...
last week a sawbuck was a joke
today it filled tanks quarter full

stop and think, ….
…… pause and ponder, ….
about religious war,
close your eyes and visualize,

Steven Taylor Biography

Father of three daughters 9 years US Navy Air Traffic Controller 3 years FAA Air Traffic Controller 16 years Professional Sales & Marketing Interests and Hobbies: I love to sing, write poetry and play chess. I am a body builder and movie buff. 'A poet is a poet because he understands; because he is born with a divine kinship with all things, ... and he is a poet in direct ratio to his power of sympathy' Alice Ruth Moore examples of my work and my picture are published here: http: //www.buzzlecom/authors.asp? author=705 illustrated poems are found at my web site http: //

The Best Poem Of Steven Taylor

Racism Today

The racist cloaks his loathing thoughts
behind deceiving eyes
Those men who once wore hoods and robes
Today wear shirts and ties

Their methods changed but yet and still,
Their mission is the same
Today they lynch with politics,
the racist's favorite game

Divide and conquer is their plan
to keep minorities
From seeing that the forest lies
just shortly past the trees

Racism lurks within the press,
courthouses, banks and schools
Black folks convinced that all is well
have certainly been fooled

A racist underground exists,
a chilling fact indeed
They seek to kill, steal and destroy,
We can't let them succeed

Steven Taylor Comments

Shannon 27 April 2018

I need you help me to write songs poem please I want two learn sing better

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Kash Earley 12 February 2008

My goodness! How moving. I cried... till I laughed and read it out loud to many. The humor is devastating....and yet this very act of being fired and being black is a painful absolute....and Taylor's poem tell it exactly as it is! Thank you, Taylor

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