RoseAnn V. Shawiak Strength Poems

Sun Showing It's Strength

Sunlight shining on the right, insisting on being seen,
wanting to be written into a poem, showing it's strength
and power through the mind of this mere poet.

Faith's Strength

Faith holding onto me with all it's strength, keeping my head above water, keeping me from failing for moments in time.
Sunshine heating my mind, illuminating every aspect of my mind-set, as I create expressions and emotions to collate along with words.

Testing Inequality's Strength

Testing strengths of inequality,
fronting experiences of excellent motivation.
Behaviors symmetrically forming inter-circular affronts,
beckoning an energy from afar.

Musical Power And Strength

Never standing still, yielding to a power and strength
of music, never to be interred in death's embrace.
Sticking to paths, lit by moonlight, shining the way
to past tomorrows.

Pier Of Courage And Inner Strength

Jumbled feelings and emotions being tossed about within,
because of stress and turmoil, surfing waves of frustra-
tion, looking about for an anchor.

Towers Of Strength

Towers of strength, tumble and fall, leaving all to wonder the reasons why.
Not knowing that strength needs close friendship too, everyone shuns people who seem strong, unless it's to talk about themselves or ask advice.
Everyone needs friendship, someone close, whom you are able to talk to, communicate with - feeling safe - trusting in a friend.
People who are towers of strength, also feel loneliness equally strong.

Poetical Strength

Wind furiously blowing through my mind,
mixing and blending ideas with a cognitive memory
of abstraction's definitions and well-thought out verse.
Rocking to and fro, being blown about with a will of

Wresting Life's Strength

Doomed to a life of indecision under clouds of ebony
and gray, emotional turmoil wrests life's strength
and tosses it upon tidal waves during stormy upheavals.
Yet, during interims of memories, we constantly

Testing Strength Of Intellect

Intrepidly listening to melodies, blasting them
loudly so I can immerse myself within them.
Feeling genuine freedom and energy filling my
mind and spirit, giving me an extraordinary

Looking For Strength

Fighting in the center stage, trying to stay alive,
looking for the strength that used to be there - be
a part of me.
Now, not knowing what has happened to me with the

Dream Of Inner Strength

Prayerful beginnings brought about through ideas,
eyes, reluctant, fear within, searching for
someone to believe in them.

Unrecognized Strength

Rationing nothing,
using everything I've got hidden inside to
a passion pushing me through all trials and
sufferings without even thinking of them.

Waning Strength

Chords flowing up and down, taking me into the
shadows of being, leaving me there alone, to
fend for myself.
Looking within, seeing a waning strength

Mustering Strength

Life has many stanzas compelling us to measure up
and become our best.
Sometimes we fail and can't seem to muster up the
strength to carry on, knowing in our minds that

Hopes Of Strength

Waddling, rolling, hobbling,
down a hallway in a rehab center,
hoping to get stronger so they can
all go home where they are

Testing Strength

Abiding loneliness filling my soul, testing my inner strength with possibilities of future hope.
Satisfied that faith is still strong and active within my being, aiding me in life to continue towards my final sunset.

Mind Of Inner Strength

Sitting here, watching and listening to multiple conversations,
not joining in on any of them, looking outside, noticing nature,
silent, regal, desert trees catching this poet's attention.

Giving An Inner Strength

Looking back through pages of life, thinking about everything
that has happened through the years, not all bad, yet not all
good either.

Our Strength Being Found

Faulty thinking coming from democrats, always and ever
clueless as they pretend to know what we as a nation

Strength Lies In Unity

Harmoniously listening to rhythms rolling around across the
U.S.A., bringing patriotism and strength into the light, sun
bursting onto our world.

Using Inner Strength

Serving self throughout the years, knowing there
was no one else to do it.

Using inner strength to carry on with life, it's

Finding New Strength

Loving you fills life with a total and perfect beauty
that touches my heart, soul and mind.

Finding new strength pouring into me, setting me free,

Lengthening Strength

Silence deepening and fulfilling a simple essence
of an interior peace, contributing to a much deeper

Silently Growing Strength

Running away, hiding within, not daring to show ourselves
openly, always wearing a mask or disguises.

Never allowing others to know our intimate selves through-

Inner Strength

Strength filling me inwardly, giving my faith a boost as
I climb interior mountains and walk through deserts of
my soul.

Finding Strength

Stepping out into the world, testing it's surroundings,
looking to find some strength in it, not knowing that
strength can only be found within.

Elastic Strength

Reverberating throughout my entire being, rhythms
tabulating the beauty that they bring to mind.

An elastic strength that gives me the resolve to

Finding Inner Strength

Looking interiorly, trying to find an inner strength to
carry me through the last years of my life in peace and

Uplifting Strength

Seated on an edge of the ocean, letting it ebb and neap
within, taking all cares and worries, burying them beneath
the tides.

Using Inner Strength My Way

Inner strength giving what's needed to get
through this difficult and temporary life,
astonishing others and self constantly.

Testing Intellect's Strength

Suggestions come firmly and willingly, testing strength of
intellect and imagination, tantalizing my spirit, filling
this heart with hope and faith.

Strength Of Our Souls

Eyes hold the strength of our souls openly,
keeping them safe, only allowing people who
look into their depths to see who we are.

Strength Within Our Love

Sincere, talented, filled with expressions of love, passion
and desires when thinking of you, my dear, holding onto the
peace you bring to me through life's hardships and suffering.

Keeping Inner Strength From Waning

Fortitude stands by itself, keeping inner strength from
waning, climbing interior lives, allowing freedom of the
soul to be independent.

Strength Of Character Can't Be Given

Being an impossible case, stubbornly holding to convictions
and beliefs, not holding anything against another if theirs
were different from my own.

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