Ramesh T A Success Poems

Success Of Any Company Lies In Efficiency!

Are the growth and harvest be possible, if the fence itself grazes crops?
Being in a company, if the sleeping partners take away lion's share of profit,
Can the working partners and other workers get any money for survival ever?

The Secret Of Gandhi's Success!

What is the secret behind the success of Gandhi's
National freedom movement against foreign rule...?
He studied books to get inspiration and courage to
Deal with colossal movement against Imperial power!

Success Of A Mission Is An Adventure!

A squirrel makes a clarion call to its fellows, friends and colleagues;
It makes such a way that all others follow him for the day's adventure;
Many build tallest towers touching the Sky with mountains of thoughts;
Such thoughts are born of wild desires and dreams to achieve by ambition!

Success Of Democracy!

Stage by stage election is conducted all over the nation;
Nation will see who is going to lead it after one month;
Month will go fast before the result is out for the public;
Public is in suspense and thinks of so many things or doubts!

Success In Life!

Unless Dharma or natural justice is maintained in all fields,
No nation and people achieve true peace, prosperity and progress!
Only followers of Dharma are really honest, sincere and truthful
In thoughts, words and deeds sans any selfishness in their acts!

Difficulties Are Stepping Stones To Success!

Difficulties are Stepping Stones to Success!

Difficulties are in all walks of life that we have to
Tackle to live life well in world; knowing cries to

A Brief Way To Achieve Success Sure!

Without work nothing can be done;
Without knowing, no work can be done.
All developments depend on work;
No work can be done without pain!

Zeal And Best Of Mood Lead To Success Sure!

White clouds and bright Sun start the day with briskness;
The week starts with hope to do a lot before the end;
This is the way best of mood develops to do great feat;
What a joyful day it is to begin creative works with zeal!

A Good Start Is The Key To Success!

Everyday life of everyone is a new one to begin, proceed and end;
Making our activity and work great or remarkable lies in the way we take it;
To start it first think of a happy thing done earlier to get the right mood;
Naturally there after the work take a top gear to go smooth and quick!

Success And Failure In Life!

Success and Failure in Life!

Victory and defeat are common among games for training players to have balanced mind;
Likewise joy and sorrow are common in life that gives experience in life bear grief;

Struggles And Success Independence Reminds All!

Lonely as a tree in the desert the Poet minds his life work of writing Poems;
Like the tree with colourful flowers welcoming all by its fragrance, he welcomes by Poetry;
Like the delicious taste of fruits, Poet gives great ideas of truth in Poems eternally;
Beneficiaries are the lonely and tired people going across the desert of life!

Success In Facing Any Calamity Indicates Advancement!

Hunger, poverty and disease are problems to be dealt with to be advanced beings;
Pollution, climate change and natural disasters are destroying property and resources;
Due to man made problems world is suffering endlessly due to lack of unity and cooperation;
When this is so, how can we say we are developed or civilized in the so called modern world?

A Key To Success!

While you are fishing in turbulent water
I am swimming against odd often here!
What you don't see I see very well
As I am going in the opposite direction!

Love And Beauty Make Talent And Hard Work A Great Success!

Whether it is novel or movie or poetry or life ever
Beauty and love rule the hearts of human world sure!
Talent and hard work one may perform long in the world,
But one shines top only by the support of love and beauty!

Hot Or Clod, Only Regular Work Leads To Success!

Dense misty morning does not allow Sunshine reach all over the town;
Mist is everywhere like clouds even at nine o'clock in the morning;
When all were wondering when it would become clear, rain fell from the sky;
TV news also said it would be raining for five days along coastal areas!

Deep Sense Of Work Will Bring Success Sure!

When nothing is going on well, we should remind ourselves of our ambitions;
Ambition is the driving force of life to achieve our dreams we cherish in heart;
Heart based on truth and practical things never feels anything to the wild level;
With knowledge, thoughts, vision and ambition everything will move on well!

Nature The Stepping Stone To Success!

Cool and pleasant rain clouds welcome all in the morning;
Myna birds making their special calls to their groups for
Their morning hunt of little fish in the nearby ponds and
Little squirrels too have started making their screeching calls!

Secret Of Success!

Romantic mind kindles talks of ideas full of humour bringing together all as friends;
But now, like children playing with toys, use cell phones sans moving with all;
Thinking, talking and actions are useful in life to manage critical situation well;
For good relationship, common sense, general knowledge and presence of mind help much!

Soar Higher To Realize Real Joy To Success!

Hill mist, clouds and galaxies are way to heavenly abode of peace;
That is where Poet gets best of mood wandering on green meadows;
For all motherless persons, Nature is mother ever to love so;
Without that love, Poet is joyful in life indulging in poetic venture!

Joyful Success Of Life!

Freshly blossomed bud to bloom into beautiful flower is Nature's bouquet
Inspiring all to venture on the day's task to finish with success before end;
What a great encouragement Nature gives early in the morning at dawn
To create magic for all to place all necessary things in order for fast work!

Success Is Sure By Hopeful Inspiration!

Coldest day begins with bright Sunshine and cold breeze in the morning;
Morning Sunshine gives hope of a better day of work to accomplish sure;
Sure all positive kind of approach leads to confident way to achieve victory;
Victory is not the objective, but doing things perfectly and beautifully is!

Failures Are Stepping Stones To Success!

Heart of Poesy never succumbs to defeat once after taking a vow to do wonder;
Falling down is normal activity in life of many in the wold life anytime anywhere;
But getting up sans anyone's help and achieving one's best is mark of a great soul;
Such ones are Pegasus horse or Phoenix bird that flies free shattering all shackles!

Love To Do Challenging Work Is Greater Than Success!

Neither too serious nor playful taking matter in a causal way, miracle can be created;
With that way, involvement becomes a love to make it in a better finish by one's skill;
Challenging works are not a easy joke to do and deal with skill to make it a success;
One or two works can be done so, but each one there after too not easy to deal!

Poetry Reveals Miracles Of Nature To Success!

There is life in Poetry like cool looking Nature we see everywhere;
Everywhere that are beautiful, perfect, lovely, inspiring and encouraging;
Encouragement is what Nature and Poetry do ever for all in world life;
Life goes on inspired and instructed by both Nature and Poetry in world!


For everything in the world, without the support of many, one can't win
In war or peace as it requires the support of all involved in the mission;
Especially for peace by non-violence, strong conviction, faith and courage
Everyone in the movement needs to achieve the sacred objective sure!

Power Of Knowledge And Poise Brings Success Sure!

Power of Knowledge and Poise Brings Success Sure!
Unknowing depth, if one inserts leg in well or pond or river, will drown to death;
If one knows swimming can escape to the shore by swimming with good tactics;
If one prepared for any eventuality in life, knows how to manage oneself well;

A Story Of Success!

Whatever thing we do, unless the Lord sanctions, there is no success sure;
The unknowing character finally goes out to open space to see broad Sky
Full of Stars shining beautifully in the night to get relief and refreshment;
After breathing a sigh of relief, one resumes one's pursuit to seed its end!

Success Is Sure For All Things Done With Love!

With love all thoughts, talks and deeds are performed towards
Achieving beauty and perfection in all, one surely develops
Body, heart, mind and soul to divinity enjoying bliss in Nature;
That's the way one can attain true freedom and peace in life!

An Exploration Of Life To Achieve Success Sure!

Science explores a lot about Nature to know its great activities to save lives;
Geography tells about the places situated all over the world for knowing in detail;
History tells about the situation of world now based on past hitting at future status;
Literature says all about life and how life can be lived better in the world with love;

Sans Success One Can't Survive And Sustain In Life!

Welcome and respect never knock at one's door sure
Unless one meets with victory in some way or other!
One may suffer for a lot of hardships in the world;
Yet, none will turn one's face to say anything good!

Smile Of Love Deals All To Success!

Love in all relationships makes hatred and enmity impossible
To crop up anytime to sustain human life in a nice way sure;
In an indifferent atmosphere of any working place, just a
Smile of love can deal all matters better than before ever!

Suspense, Thrill And Success!

With a steady step and pace how long can one go on in life?
Even the steady walking elephant sometimes slips down sure;
There's many a slip between the cup and lip before all is drunk;
It's a great challenge to go on steady till whole book is written!

Final Success Smiles Only On The Deserving One!

Success smiles on the faces of lucky ones in the world;
It is like in the games that have quarter final, semi final
And final with alternating successes and failures for the
Players till they achieve the final success, the real one!

Success In All Fields Lies In Right Decision!

Success of managing company or family lies in taking
Right decision on works when and how to be started
And also, when and how to be completed by listing them
In order to avoid unnecessary works and expenses ever!

Success And Failure In The Competition!

Lucky persons are the winners in competitions and entrance exams;
But sincere and hard working of deserving persons won't fail sure;
If not now, at least in the subsequent rounds, they get good chances
To secure a top position and come out in flying colours one day..!

Ambition The Driving Force To Success!

Honesty, sincerity, discipline and beautifully doing all
For the sake of beauty make one a lover of Nature and art;
Then what Nature inspires, one creatively expresses in art
As successful expression of one's self is art of living!

Divine Like Force Helps Adventure Of Love A Success!

Love is an adventurous feeling of human emotion in world life;
Determined on the basis of truth, plan of action and ready to
Meet end victory or failure love leds one's heart, mind and soul
To achieve the dream of union both for comedy or tragedy in life!

Of All Successes, Final Success Only Is Decisive One!

Humanity has got its own affairs to deal much in such a way
That it doesn't want to involve or mind social, national
And world matters to solve them for the benefit of all!

Pursuit Of A Dream To Sure Success!

Achievements in art or any field begins first as a dream;
Before one actually indulges in serious pursuit of one's aim,
Cross examination by introspection and retrospection begins
Directly or indirectly making an easy looking dream an abyss!

Success Of New Measures Only By Wise Implementation!

Scientists experiment with animals to find medicine for disease;
Economic exercise is experimenting with men to curb corruption;
Demonetization and new single tax imposition are also done so
To stop corruption, fake and black money in circulation for long!

My Success In Poetry Is Miracle From Nature!

Nature and Poetry inspire and survive me forever;
Nature gives solace when nothing seems to be ever
Fulfilling me in whatever thing I do since long;
Inspiration from Nature helps me to write in poetry!

Making Success Of A Great Venture Of Common Good!

Danger of nuclear proliferation has been well exposed long;
But threat to world peace is international terrorism now
Needing to be stopped at any cost by joint venture of nations!

What Makes One Achieve All Things With Sure Success?

Love only makes one do all things as achievements ever;
Love of beauty in performance leads to perfection or
Apt completion of any work that turns into achievement;
Such way of doing things surely leads to success only!

Success Lies In The Love Of Creating Beauty Out Of Chaos!

Anything done beautifully as art becomes valuable one world;
Art makes beauty out of chaos like Poetry does with words;
Creative art and inventive science making useful things in
The World help humanity proceed hopefully in life's journey!

Time To See Success And Failure For Victory Next!

Rains and storms are over but Winter cold continues;
For every end, there is a new beginning in world life;
That is what expected in year end start of New Year;
Good or bad, old year stands for New Year to come on!

Step Of First Time Adventure Leads To Lasting Success!

Journey to a new place for the first time is adventure;
For marketing and collecting orders for selling products
This adventure is taken by business people everywhere;
With faith in God they under-take this adventure ever!

Dreams Of Romance Provokes Adventure To Success!

Adventurous scenes of romance in dreams develop passionate love;
No analysis can say about the love in lovers as it is impossible
To know what, why and how love blooms between lovers forever sure!

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