Where each subliminal moment
is awaited in anticipated glee
For it to be captured eternally,
Been so long ever since
for the stimulus to ignite
Caught in odd trivialities
Brief look at own reflection
was caught by familiar sight
Seemed none but my father
Streaks of tepid sunshine
with magical golden spell
Provoke latent indolence
Get branded as an oddity
to edicts I don't conform
Mundane most practices
Paths at times converge
then go a different way
However much is desired
Undoing intricate complexities
one feels disoriented and lost
Panacea in past proffered,
Streets are akin to rivulets
for children with paper boats
Farmers in a bit of frenzy
Most seems pre ordained
celestially thus contrived
Time returns to bewitch
Enough of verdant pastures
it is time now to explore
Dabble in realm of unknown
Don't mourn my brethren
in effect you must rejoice
The cause of contention
Amidst of joyous merriment
sitting lonesome in solitude
Own shadow as company
Unyielding past convictions,
reflect many an odd chink
Defying the palpable logic
Seemingly forever known
I did chance upon a face
Where I had known him
On face a sham normalcy but core filled with dread
At very cusp of no return can't help but go ahead
All deemed as pushover how ended up being otherwise
Been years four & sixty of being transiently around
A motley shaded canvas with varied hues abound
Journey's not been atypical, with winding long track
Indeed if I play the victim, can't feign but is a fact
Balance forever skewed, short changed not exact
Deprived of a fair share in an inequitable level field
Recompense Don’t mourn my brethren in effect you must rejoice The cause of contention lies silenced forever voice Futile is moving penance it’s just a transitory phase When hated my presence then why play up of praise Worthy never deemed living now made out as paradigm Forever in past castigated denying vivacity of my time If this what the deal serves I feel lot better of removed Where upright my intent stood always disapproved Duplicitous societal facets never once cease to amaze The living they try to bury and dead from grave raise)
Someone Somewhere
Where each subliminal moment
is awaited in anticipated glee
For it to be captured eternally,
lest quickly if it tried to flee
The silence speaks unspoken
and unsaid is what's heard
Congruent are most nuances,
comprehended without a word
Points are never proven or
bartered in give and take
It is all about subsistence
how cheery other you make
The element of this surprise,
has eluded for bit overly long
To call someone your very own,
likewise to the other belong
Intense emotive poet. Poems are replete with apt and savoury images that accentuate his poetry. A poet of very high aesthetic standards and exceptional talent
Looking adorable