Ted Sheridan Poems

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My dreams lit the fuse that ignited my brain
Causing my mind to explode into colors of death
Black with the undertones of a pale mortician
Drained of a vibrant reality, with copper pennies for eyes

The More We Learn The Less We Know For Sure

It has taken a long time to learn that I’ve learned absolutely nothing
My empty brain, my evacuated heart and my abandoned arms
Exhibitions all,
Of my now deficient and completely inaccessible attention to detail

Bbw And Canasta

Mom never went on tabloid talk shows
appearing in her underwear and cursing at our Dad
or any of his many 'Mousey' secretaries
Maybe because back then there was no 'Springer'

Bottled At The Source

Approaching the oasis this thirsty pairing
A ragged beggar and a snake charmer
Noticed an oddly shaped ominous cloud
Which seemed to be hovering overhead__

Blessed Friend

Sara…..sweet Sara
she saved me from the fire
and then evaporated
like the holy water in the font

Asking For A Stiff Drink

She asked me to explain why every man
she meets wants to screw her; I replied,
“I can’t speak for every man but I can tell you why I do.

Missing In Action


My mother
perceived to be a caring soul by the family

1967 Critiqued After All These Years

I recall the many crumpled pieces of paper
It took to complete a single thought
The noisy typewriter and the worn out erasers
Would petition me to bring an end to their plight

He Gave His Life For Freedom

There is a funeral today for the remains of a friend
Cremated remains which will be placed in an urn
And sat atop a podium for viewing and prayer
Many people will cry violently for his passing

Can'T See My Princess For The Trees

I was thinking about trees....
Spending their entire lives in one place
Totally dependent upon the elements
For their betterment or to their detriment....

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