Terence George Craddock Poems

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Life Is Our Great Novel We Write Daily

we do not judge a personal life story
we do not judge a personal life struggle
by the page we intersected a life upon
nor by past rumours accounts of a life...

Love Echoes Fascinates Tugs At Heart Strings Chambers

in desert sands dune dry golden grains
released winds swift suddenly tumbling
into oasis miracle fertile love memories
water transforms wastes liquid rippling

Ancient Earth Living Arteries

ancient life highways
earth liquid living arteries
were flowing river roads

Green Blue Hazel Eyes Splice Words Into Siren Songs

the danger of reading poetry by the beautiful siren poetess
Mihaela Pirjol is being lost in the locks of her long blond hair
green blue hazel eyes splice words into siren songs echoing
into heart heard depths in soul beaching us upon imagination

Water Mist Sparkles Upon A Green Bed Of Forest Moss

in every pearl drop of water a universe of infinite beauty floats
glistening waters mist sparkles upon a green bed of forest moss
sunlight strikes radiant rainbow beams diamond point spectrums

A Boycott Of Israel In The Name Of Liberal Values?

left us briefly review sharing of the land issues
an Arab Muslim World oil rich is spread across
over 740 thousand square miles with a population
of 900 million a massive Goliath area and population

Exposing Lily White Liberal Hypocrisy Boycotts

let us review a few policies enforced today in this world
in Russia Putin acts against problem LGBT community?
China oppresses invaded Tibet three million ethnic Tibetans
in NATO Turkey President Erdogan imprisons journalists

Hallmarks Of An Honourable Compassionate Person

observe a beautiful sincere love freely given
from an abundant overflowing genuine kind heart
makes hallmark an honourable compassionate person

* Life Time Transformations

so many mist images
within dominant themes
flow through life lives

Creative Heartbeats Not Penned To Page

are not gifted absorbed back into my eternal flames
infusing poet soul with heights of self realizations
to attain heights none no one others may never read
written with power urgency death time cheating...

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