Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Multinational Corporations Plunder Resources

multinational corporations will plunder resources
destroy equality morality well-developed legal systems
enlightened capable civil rights regulatory apparatus

Inner Beauty Radiant Illuminates Mind In Peace

let your pain torment pass from your heart mind body
let your suffering go let it pass out of your flesh your soul
let your inner beauty radiant illuminate your mind in peace

I Know You Are Hurting Let It Pass

let your pain torment pass
from your heart mind body
let your suffering go let it pass
out of your flesh your soul...

* Life Time Transformations

so many mist images
within dominant themes
flow through life lives

Multinational Freetrade Corporation Deals

bosses smiling laughing at citizens in election campaigns
neoliberals want to crush citizens with economic crisis
neoliberals seize more power with slave free trade deals

Divide Conquer Rich Elite Global Policies

wake up before suddenly birthright freedoms
are have been stolen by political robber barons
candidates feed on poverty unemployment fears

The Web Is Spun To Catch The Fly

Spock The Vulcan: Sees No Emotive Logic Reason In Smiles

I had written about how smiles
are awesome and infectious,
spreading joy and happiness,
making people feel special and precious;

Safeguard Beautiful Precious Memories

ever noticed how young children hide
run away to avoid painful goodbyes
to love to live in safe hidden heart part
to safeguard beautiful precious memories

Summer Holidays Relax Days Time Spent Free

the sun should be summer shinning soon
ending darkness rainy winter days of gloom
the sun should be summer shinning soon
ending cold chilly windy days in dark gloom

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