Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Etched In Your Eyes

it's in your eyes
two sides to a face
is an honest answer

A Grasshopper Must Jump

offer young grasshopper
tiny roots of wisdom
to perceive her reality

Human Flesh Burning Under Tomorrows Sun

burning with self fire now we need to get something done
to cause peace all loving hearts must now commit run
light not new wars burn not humans under tomorrows sun

Who Are The Real War Profiteers?

it is hard to understand
why some internationally esteemed

tabloids magazines
television stations

Radiation Recognizes No Paper Borders

speak to me of global peace issues
while hiding behind your artificial borders
radiation recognizes no paper borders

Who Would Have Thought

strange to hear them say

i miss being a kid
though when all you had

Global Pollution Supercell Storms

it is said it was demon creature man in
ignorant greed lusts who pumped pollutants
into air river oceans destroying critical

Beginning True Wisdom

knowing self
is beginning
of true wisdom

A Thoughtful Parent

when a thoughtful parent
picks up their child late
events may have hidden motives

Face Hard Mirror Realities

answers there are many answers
but most are not prepared to look
most look search in wrong places

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