Global Pollution Supercell Storms Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Global Pollution Supercell Storms

Rating: 5.0

it is said it was demon creature man in
ignorant greed lusts who pumped pollutants
into air river oceans destroying critical

balance of ancient earth filters
which guarded earth life precious
from excessive harmful sunlight

deforestation laid bare ground heated
erosion created enlarged sand waste deserts
naked earth baked in global warming

most glaciers melted
polar ice sheets retracted
oceans overflowed

too much water
does not sour
exhausted air

hot oven heat waves
wither grasslands crops
dry out vein riverbeds

but too much supercell water
may flood vast stretches of land
drown the air in torrential rain

water spirits must soar into the air
evaporation must seed rain clouds
not excessive thunderstorm heavy

rain must fall to water dry earth
with soft kiss multitude raindrops
to nourish regenerate vegetation

there are natural balances checks
imposed laws upon all earth life
demon creature man eradicates life

global complex interactive life cycles
all is linked in established food chains
all life harmonies dances in life webs

let there be restoration of balances
replant vast tracts of deforestation jungles
oxygenate multiple dead sea zones

water must rise in harmonic symphonies
must be why water souls gift allow themselves
to evaporate on hot days allowing cloud births

water souls spread allow themselves
to spread on atmospheric winds
to circle bless ecosystem entire worlds

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Denis Mair 27 August 2024

That's a beautiful vision of soulfulness in water. I myself saw the soullessness of a supercell that dropped water around Chennai in 2018. For months the villages around the city were plagued by standing water, partly because flood-absorbing wetlands had been drained.

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