Terry Searcy

Terry Searcy Poems


I am a liar and I stand alone
I do not sway or bend
I believe the world, and at it I scoff
The people live their lives and never know the truth

The Rose Glison’s from the morning dew
The sun smiles and the rose awakens
The warmth of day caress her pedals and they gently open
The pollen from within reminds the flower of the beauty of her life

The tree brings forth life to the fruit

The fruits thirst is quenched from the tree

When I close my eyes you are right here
Smiling and laughing for 28 years
I open my eyes and the truth sets in
Not having you with me brings me to tears

The hunter hunts for his family, and his children learn

The hunter's family is his only concern


The hole is deep and cold, its dark and I am alone
The voices echo into the grave, and all I here is lies
The grieving widow believes her own words
The children laugh about a time long gone

The Sun rises and exposes the darkness
And the Darkness flees from the sight of the Light
The Creatures of the dark retreat to the shadows and await the night
The Darkness is not afraid of the Light

Endless nights I'll lie awake all night because you are on my mind
I sit and i cry thinking how I was blind
You being gone really blows my mind

Behind every woman's eyes are lies
I always ask myself why...hhhmmm
What's she trying to hide
From the makeup they buy

My words are Silent
My Pen is Motoinless
My Eyes are Steady
My Thoughts, Rapid

She blankets me with Her warmth
As She pry's my eye lids open to start the day
She caresses' me with Her eyes and takes all my pain away
She swallows my bad thoughts and presses Her lips to mine to


The Lord in Heaven is the only One
To show His Love He sent His only Son
If you don't believe my words open the Bible and read on the Cross who was Hung
In His final words He said it is Done

The people that lead us and tell us what to do
They are always pointing fingers, trying to change our point of view
It's done for their agendas to take the money from me and you

My wall is not built for the Squeamish or weak
Most people that tried said it was too high and too steep
This wall was built with self-doubt and with fear. It was build to keep people out that brought me to tears.
But climb if you will past the ugly and the mean it will feel like an adventure it will be a new frontier

Watching Mama fixin the daily meals
While Pa's working hard in the fields
Southern Pastor preaching about Hell and Fire
Your kids singing in the choir

The cage door is locked
My hands are bound
I sit with folded hands and a blank stare watching the clock
The alarm sounds and my door opens


The anger rolls through my veins as I look at my life
This life has become nothing short of a life sentence
The dream is dead and I am a fraud
I put a smile on my face and inside I am dying


They speak to me as a child and the words echo through my mind over and over
The disappointment in their voice paralyzes me, and renders me speechless
They ridicule me and tell me I am worthless
My mind is forever on guard and I will not let them in


I have come to realize 
That my life is not what it seems
But an endless dream
That I can't get away from

The sunbeams fall recklessly to the ground thru the cloudy sky
Their beams are reflected thru the drops of rain and magnified thru the wetness
Puddles and tree branches carry their magnified light thru the dreary day
People scatter quickly to escape the water that rushes from the sky

Terry Searcy Biography

I run a Cadillac Dealership in the Chicago market. I have written Poems for a long time and really enjoy it.)

The Best Poem Of Terry Searcy


I am a liar and I stand alone
I do not sway or bend
I believe the world, and at it I scoff
The people live their lives and never know the truth
We lift up our voices and cry out to one another
And we don’t hear the word that resonate from each others mouth
Our lives bleed into one another and we don’t know the truth
I hear what they say and I know their words
The leaders have spoken and we believe
We believe because we are weak and they seem strong
We utter words against them only to our self
We tell people we don’t know lies
We tell our children lies so they can enjoy their life for short while
I am a liar and I stand alone

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Terry Searcy Quotes

Can You imagine, To stand on the Edge and take a Look Around? One step determines Your Fate One step is all it would take Would You Fly or would that one step take you down Standing there on the Very Edge, would Your Heart beat out of its chest or, in that moment, would it have a Calm Rate? To Stand on the Very edge and for the first time in Our Lives choose Our own fate And as We Stand there and Look up to see Heaven and Look down to see Hell, Could we turn around, and not take that final Step that would end our Blindness we all Hate Or would We go Home and Contemplate a different date Are We to afraid to Stand on the Edge and challenge Our own Fate?

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