Theresa Ann Moore Poems

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Where Is My Suit?

'Grandma, where is my black suit? '
My answer was vague, not absolute.

'Oh. I am sure that you have gown too tall…

A Part Of Nature

Earthly creatures that swim, float, and fly
Are affected by the currents and the tide
Forces of nature have an ongoing influence
Stimulating the persona of absorbing senses

The Present

It was a beautiful day as Sarah knitted.
She was making a sweater to be fitted.
She had in mind to make it as a gift.
It was for her boyfriend Bill’s benefit.

Peace Weaving

There is a common thread
Within the fiber of each head.
Weaving a beautiful tapestry
To be displayed as drapery.

Ward Off!

It is past mid May; gardens now have a colorful display.
Tonight the temperature may dip, much to my dismay.
Frost warnings are flashing disaster upon the TV screen.
Hurriedly, I’m gathering shielding containers to intervene.

Building A Life

Pieces of knowledge and time
Construct a life ready to climb.
Rising to the heights of maturity,
Striving for wisdom and security.

The Secret

There is a secret that is quite profound.
It is not in a treasure chest underground.
Telling its location may shock and astound…
Happiness is attainable, if you look around.


When you are told you can’t.
Life takes a much different slant.
Inside you know that there is hope.
You cannot stop because of 'nope.'

Clean Resistant


A child watches the flutter-bye gliding.
It is as light as a dandy-lion puff flying.
Its wings rapidly flutter in the summer air.
Fragile wings flap as a synchronized pair.

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