Kumarmani Mahakul Today Poems

Today In Top Five Hundred List

Generally Robert Frost remains in top
But Today's top five hundred list of poets,
It is exceptional, because
William Shakespeare today is rank one

World Poetry Day Today 21st March

Reading and writing we need to do
We need to publish and promote,
Poetry comes from invisible thought,
In written form this is visible to all,

Today Is Our Village Festival

Oh dear visitors attention you pay,
Today in our village is festival day.

Playing young men to win the game,

Today We Are Writing Today You Read

We are writing today many verses
By command and grace of God,
By virtue and perseverance!
We are writing for God's service,

Not Tomorrow Today I Shall

I shall do my duty not tomorrow,
Today I shall do it with due care,
Having faith in life I shall do this,
Dignity of faith is adoring moment.

Today's Canticle

As new light has emerged in East,
In this Earth I wake up to newness,
Repeatedly your name in deep love,
Oh Lord, our beloved father we chant.

Today Is Another Meeting

After annual meeting is over,
Today is another meeting to discuss,
About expenditure and management,
Decisions will be taken for development.

Today Is Competition Of Dance

Volunteers of our village have decided,
The stage is ready and decorated,
Market squire is ready and rushed,
Participants have arrived by buses.

Going To Capital Today

We are all going to capital today,
Come on, you do something say.
Away do not go all near you stand,
On highway side you shake hand.

Love To Live Today

Awake and know soon,
Life is precious God's boon.
You all love to live today,
Tomorrow is unseen you say.

Let Me Think Today

Tomorrow is late, let me think today,
Today let me live let me something say.
I have to walk long distance so far run,
I have seen every day in East comes sun.

Rise You Today

Dear sun this is night
I am going to sleep
Deep sleep will bring
Many dreams I shall see.

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