Tony Assumang

Tony Assumang Poems

In the thick forest
The road seems narrow
He lay low
In his hands are arrows and a bow

One day I will write a poem about you
And read it to you
In the night, when everyone is asleep
Till you fall asleep

The moon so blue
It makes memories of you stick like glue
When I think of you
I feel your presence

The laws of nature keep winning
No matter how much we try fighting
Nature keeps winning
Until we throw in the towel

When I met u, I was not prepared.
When I got the invite, I was not prepared.
When the flight took off, I was not prepared.
When you swept me off my feet, I was not prepared.

I will open your eyes in the right way
In a way that you will have a high affinity
To keep them that way
Because when you close them

Seasons come, seasons go, but our love withers not
Like building a mansion, we started small but will finish huge
Strong winds come, strong winds go, our love crushes not
The end of matters is more important than the beginning

The Best Poem Of Tony Assumang

The Hunter

In the thick forest
The road seems narrow
He lay low
In his hands are arrows and a bow
Eager to fire one
Eager to find and enslave one
One he can give his all to
One he will give his all to
One he can devote his all to
One he will devote his all to
Like a slave's submission to his master
Like a dominant and a submissive
Like a lion ready to pounce on its prey
He aims and fires one
With all his strength and might
As if he can't live through the night
Until he dominates one
One that is worth it

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