Trade Martin Poems

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New Halitosis Cure

Breaking news: AMDA bulletin….,

Brush and floss your teeth…..! ! !
Brush and floss your teeth…..! ! !

Electrified Romance

The shock makes me shake……,
When I’m in your embrace…..,
Sends me like a rocket into outer space…..,
Almost nuclear power…….,

The True Meaning Of Evol

Love is evol…..,
Evol is simply love spelled backwards….,
Yes, evol is the reversed letters of love….,
But evol shouldn’t be confused with hate….,

'When God Is By Your Side'

Never worry…., When God Is By Your Side…,
You’re secure…, When God Is By Your Side….,
Don’t despair….., When God Is By Your Side….,
Walk sure…, When God Is By Your Side.

America Is In Intensive Care

America Is In Intensive Care…….,
It’s just clinging to life……,
And its chances are slim and rare……,
Of coming out of the evil in there…..,

Looks Like Dervish Is Attackin’ Again

Looks Like DERVISH…..,
Is Attackin’ Again…….,
He’s howlin’ like a wolf……,
Cause the moon is his friend….,

I believe that if you can speak, you can write….,
So almost anyone can be a lyricist or a poet too…! ! !
Of course there’s talent involved…,
And some are blessed to have much more than others do….,

Poem For Tomorrow And Yesterday

If you search for it and seek it…..,
The future holds promise……,
But if sadness haunts you……,
From past experiences…..,

Guess What God?

Guess What God…..? ? ?
I’m praying to you again….,
I don’t really think…..,
You heard me last night…,

Magic Of Christmas Snow

The beautiful reflection……,
Of the moon and the stars…..,
On the snow covered fields….,
Is a wonder all its own…..,

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