Valsa George Poems

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A Rain Washed Red Rose

One red rose stays blushing in my garden
I caught a glimpse of it in the early dawn
On the carpet of green, as a lovely dame it does sway
Flashing hues of contrast on a dull monsoon day

Limerick- Anniversary Celebration

"It's our wedding Jubilee"- said Florence
to her sharp witted husband Lawrence
"How should we celebrate?
Shouldn't we make it real great? "


From the dark arenas of violence,
From the shackles of oppression,
From a land reeking of the smell of blood
They flee, bloodied and bruised.

Doom's Day

I woke to the beaming rays
Of dawn's early golden light
Birds flew singing across the sky
Breeze whizzed past telling all is right

Writer's Block

I picked up some words
From an over heaped pile
Words which impressed me most
I started writing

The Sundown In My Village

With the sun moving westwards
The sky turns crimson like a bride.
Shadows lengthen along country lanes
as snakes uncoiling in the dark.

Twilight Broodings

Sitting alone on the river bank
In the fast fading amber light
My eyes glanced across the flowing river
To the other side, on my right

Frozen Grief

In the Church, I met a woman so old
Bending under the weight of years
I wonder what made her steal my attention
Was it her struggle to hold back her tears?

The Unrolling Expanse

Before my eyes,
The sea stretches far;
An infinite scroll of chiffon
Rolling and unrolling

A Dive Into The Past

So unexpected was the meeting
It was in the dim candle light
Of a city restaurant that I saw her

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