Valsa George Poems

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A Beautiful Day

Today is the beautiful New Year day
With the clear blue sky above
A gentle breeze playing on every leaf
And every heart throbbing with love

As Coins Tinkled

As coins tinkled,

Many a virgin flower, defiled.
Brother turned brother’s assassin.

A Rare Beauty Beheld!

Through the country paths, I lazily loitered
Watching Nature in its changing hue
Straying a little farther into the interiors
Sundry and sublime vistas came into view

Face Of The City

The glow of a late Autumn Sunset,
Gleamed over the dense city streets.
Rushing wheels and honking horns,
Halted awhile for the traffic signs.

I Still Remember

In the coffin lay your body silent and still
As with wax, sealed were your eyes
Bared of all passion, pain and strain
You were at rest, tranquil was your face

In The Hush Of Eve

In the hush of a fading twilight eve
Heard the passionate crooning of a dove
Under the eaves, it sat close to her love
What delight, that sound instantly gave

A Spring Prayer

Days ago, under a black umbrella,
The Earth, shrouded in sheets of white,
Lay inert as a lifeless corpse,
Waiting for the ineluctable graveyard shift

A Poet In The Making

A diaphanous mist hangs over
Blurring thoughts and fancy
Or is it that my Muses
Have gone into lazy slumber?

With Folded Hands

(My prayer on Good Friday)

When I am pierced by the sting of life,
Oh Lord, I lift my tired eyes to Thee.

Mood Swing

When it rains, in her fancy
She used to turn into a child
Kicking water and playing in the puddles
Today when rain has begun pouring down

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