A Most Important Thing Poem by L C Vieira

A Most Important Thing

So, you've decided to stay a year,
no pity for my torment,
and I smile, and congratulate you
on your wonderful common sense.

I put down my drink and excuse myself,
and steal away for help,
to lean against something cold and hard,
and there try to catch my breath.

Just when I'm feeling some control,
you bring me news like this;
I'm on the edge of letting go,
and now I can't resist.

One more year of all these thoughts,
another year of this,
frustrated secret longings,
avoidances and risks.

While I stumble dazed in passing you,
I'll focus on what's best:
a most important thing is that
you find your happiness.


L C Vieira

L C Vieira

Lisbon, Portugal
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